Aya Watanabe

Aya Watanabe

Education and Research Coordinator, Rikkyo University

Career Trajectory

When I started the doctoral program in EDEF in 2017, I was taking ELI courses to improve my English skills, and I felt I was always behind compared to other students. But the professors and classmates always acknowledged and supported my own development in my own pace. This nurturing environment of EDEF helped me to learn what it means to have good education. I am currently working at Rikkyo University in Tokyo to support undergraduate students who are trying to be elementary school teachers. Further, I am also working on exciting research projects with Dr. Baoyan Cheng and Dr. Di Xu. I am grateful for the department that takes good care of their relationships with the students!


  • Original: Tokyo Japan
  • Current: Tokyo Japan

Program & Year

PhD in Education: Educational Foundations, 2023


  • Watanabe, A. (2023). 人の相互作用と経験により創られる対話 p4c Hawai’iにおける理論の検討 [Inquiry Based on Human Interactions and Experiences. Examining the Theory of p4c Hawai’i]. In Kodama, S., Tanaka, N. & Toyoda, M. (Eds.), 対話的教育論の探究: 子どもの哲学が描く民主的な社会 [Inquiry Into Democratic Pedagogy Philosophy for Children in Theory and Practice] (pp. 89-109). University of Tokyo Press.
  • Watanabe, A. (2024). The Inclusiveness of philosophy for children Hawai’i. Kobe University Repository 哲学対話と当事者性:2019-23年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(課題番号19H01185) 「哲学プラクティスと当事者研究の融合:マイノリティ当事者のための対話と支援の考察」研究成果報告書 2024年3月 2024年3月 (pp. 134-144). https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14094/0100486375

Online Profile