Yuko Ida is from Okinawa and a second-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Educational Foundations. Prior to her graduate study at Educational Foundations, Yuko was a public elementary school teacher in Okinawa and Nagoya in Japan for seven years. She has also studied at ‘Atenisi Institute in Tonga (2006). She loves dancing, singing, playing sports, and eating Taco Rice (Okinawan-Mexican fusion cuisine).

Research Interests

Yuko’s research interests include education policy and teacher/student agency. She is currently examining the underside of “Zest for Living/Life” education policy and biopolitical practices in Japan within the context of neoliberalism and globalization.

Ph.D. Track

Educational Foundations

COE Affiliation

Educational Foundations


B.A., English Education. (2009)
University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa

M.Ed., Educational Foundations. (2020)
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI

Journal Articles

Ida, Y. (2021). Desire after hope: To reorient myself for true life during COVID19. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 19(2). (Published online on September 20, 2021) URL: http://www.jceps.com/archives/11295

Ida, Y. (2020). International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and Students’ Educational Opportunities in Japan. In S. Kommers & K. Bista (eds.). Inequalities in study abroad and student mobility: Navigating challenges and future directions (pp.84-94). Routledge.

Means, A. J., & Ida, Y. (2020). Education after empire: A biopolitical analytics of capital, nation, and identity. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Special Issue: Empire and Education. (Published online August 11, 2020) DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1803836

Means, A. J., Sojot, A. N., Ida, Y., & Hardt, M. (2020). A dialogue with Michael Hardt on revolution, joy, and learning to let go. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Special Issue: Empire and Education. (Published online August 10, 2020) DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1803977

Means, A., Sojot, A., Ida, Y. & Sustarcic, M. (2020). Education and Empire. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Special Issue: Empire and Education. (Published online August 10, 2020) DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1803785