PhD in Educational Foundations Student and Faith C Ai Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Yumi Saito

“My goal is to be a professional researcher who enhances the quality of education for all by focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in institutions and communities.”


Tokyo, Japan


Educational Foundations

Related Degrees

  • PhD, Education: Educational Foundations

Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan where beautiful cherry blossoms bloom in spring. I hope that everyone can visit Japan, especially in the spring, to enjoy its warm breeze and sights of nature.

As a recent Faith C. Ai Memorial Scholarship recipient, what does this award mean to you and your educational/professional pursuits?
I am very happy to be accepted for the Faith C. Ai Memorial Scholarship. The fund was established to honor Ms. Faith C. Ai who made significant contributions to public education in Hawaiʻi through her work. This scholarship has been providing financial support for teachers to fulfill their quest for excellence as educators and join the community of teachers in Hawaiʻi and the world. I first met with Faith C. Ai’s daughter, Ms. Cynthia Ai, and the Board of Directors of the Faith C. Ai Memorial Scholarship Fund at the interview two years ago. This is my second year of being a Faith C. Ai Scholar. Ms. Ai enjoys keeping in touch with the scholars; she sometimes calls me via phone and asks about both my personal and professional life. I deeply appreciate her care and support for us.

How did you become interested in the field of education? Educational Foundations?
My passion for education is deeply rooted in the philosophy of Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, the founder of my alma mater: “The proud mission of those who have been able to receive education must be to serve, in seen and unseen ways, the lives of those who have not had this opportunity.” He stressed that education should be a foundation and vehicle to develop in one’s character the noble spirit to embrace and augment the lives of others. I have been looking for a PhD program that aligns with this philosophy, and I have found that in the COE’s program that provides courses in multicultural education, human rights, children’s welfare, decolonization, and peace that are so important and unique to the history of Hawaiʻi and the heart of local people who embrace traditional and modern culture in this ʻāina (land).

Where do you work?
I have been working as a graduate assistant for the Provost’s Office at UH Mānoa. As a part of the team preparing for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation process, I supported data analysis and their remote visits. As announced, UH Mānoa earned the maximum ten years of reaccreditation this March 2022! I am so grateful to be a part of this tremendous success and to work with great people who dedicate their lives to improving our campus and serving the community with deep respect and care to best prepare for the future. I feel that UH Mānoa has a campus culture of and shared commitment to “students first.” With deep appreciation and gratitude, I am firmly determined to do my best to contribute to the university as much as possible.

Do you participate in any clubs or organizations in or outside of school?
I practice and study Buddhism in the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Organization. When the Covid-19 pandemic happened, I was the SGI student club leader at UH Mānoa, and we continued meeting via Zoom and encouraged one another to unite and continue our educational journey vigorously. We studied the dignity of life and the never giving up spirit, which are deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy. I feel that more and more people seek to practice this philosophy by living their lives with unlimited joy by maximizing one’s potential and fulfillment during this challenging era.

How has the COE program impacted or benefited your career path?
I am very fortunate to be a part of the COE program since the faculty and staff are very supportive of students. I would like to show my deep appreciation for the Department of Educational Foundations for their continuous instruction and support. When COVID-19 happened, faculty and staff immediately shared the financial resources available for students. They keep pushing students to challenge and develop academic professional career paths so that we continue making efforts to reach our personal goal each day.

What are your future visions and goals?
My goal is to be a professional researcher who enhances the quality of education for all by focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in institutions and communities. I would like to be an advocate who can protect the rights of the future generations. There are more than 44 million people in 38 countries teetering on the edge of famine, and over 200 million children in the world will still be out of school in 2030 (United Nations., n.d.). There are so many actions that we can take now to change the current situation for a better future. I was born and raised in a family and local community that provided me with unconditional love and care. I would like to give back to communities in need and to the world at large, serving as a sister, a mother, as part of their family and providing them with unconditional love, support, and care.

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