
Dunhuang grottoes and global education: Philosophical, spiritual, scientific, and aesthetic insights




Di, X.


This is a unique and multidisciplinary book that integrates the Dunhuang Study with global education. It studies the emergence and development of Dunhuang’s education in the context of the fusion of four civilizations (Indian, Chinese, Islamic, and Christian) and the interactions of multiple cultures and nations over a thousand years. Based on the artifacts, the book makes a strong and clear case that fundamentally Dunhuang, its roots and significance, first and foremost, are education. The book examines Dunhuang through historical, philosophical, scientific, and aesthetic lenses, More importantly, it discusses the insights Dunhuang provides for contemporary education in terms of ethics, moral education, self cultivation, multicultural education, STEM education, art and music education, basic education, naturalistic education, and life-long learning. The book emphasizes the human shared essence, connection, and purposes as the core and driving force of education and life.


Di, X. (2019). Dunhuang grottoes and global education: Philosophical, spiritual, scientific, and aesthetic insights. Palgrave Macmillan.