The purpose of this study was to document a tier two mathematics intervention program and its impact. This program was designed for an elementary school in Hawaiʻi with the intent of developing students’ fluency with math facts. A veteran teacher-leader from the school, with support from the administration, designed and implemented the intervention program. Specifically, this study focused on the extent to which the intervention supported students with learning grade level content. The study also describes the design of the intervention and how it functioned to provide supplemental instruction to elementary students in developing computational fluency.

Research Questions





Yagi, S. & Venenciano, L. (2023, Spring). A Study of an Intervention Program: Building Elementary Students’ Math Fact Fluency. Hawaii Educational Research Network.


Yagi, S., Venenciano, L., Farias, A., & Pratt, T. (2024). A Study of an Intervention Program: Building Elementary Students’ Computational Fluency. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning.


Yagi, S. & Venenciano, L. (2023, June). A Math Intervention with Promise: Insights and Findings from a Practitioner-Researcher Partnership. Presentation at the STEM2 Symposium. Honolulu, HI.


Yagi, S. & Venenciano, L, Farias, A., & Pratt, T. (2024, February, Accepted). A Study of an Intervention Program: Building Elementary Students’ Computational Fluency. Research Brief presentation at the 51st Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Columbia, South Carolina.


DOE partners

Akemi Faria

Academic Coach

Ka’ūmana Elementary School

Tiffany Pratt


Ka’ūmana Elementary School

COE Faculty Partner

Photo of Sean Yagi
Sean Yagi

Associate Specialist

School of Teacher Education

Other Partner

Linda Venenciano


Pacific University