image of Erin Centeio

Erin Centeio Chair

Interests: Physical Education; Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs; Relationship between physical activity and academic achievement

(808) 956-3882

image of Christopher Stickley

Christopher Stickley Chair

Interests: Biomechanics, Athletic Training, Sports Medicine, Human Anatomy

image of Bret Freemyer

Bret Freemyer Faculty

Interests: Athletic Training, Biomechanics, Injury Prevention

image of Chuck Morgan

Chuck Morgan Professor

Interests: Benefits of Youth Physical Activity and Fitness; Levels of Youth Physical Activity and Fitness: Valid Instruments to Measure Youth Physical Activity and Fitness: Psychological, Social, and Environmental Factors Related to Youth Physical Activity and Fitness, Programs to Promote Youth Physical Activity and Fitness: Baseball Hitting Biomechanics & Training

(808) 956-3804

image of Nathan Murata
image of Yukiya Oba

Yukiya Oba Assistant Professor

image of Jan Prins

Jan Prins Associate Professor

Interests: Biomechanics as related to Competitive Swimming and Aquatic Rehabilitation

(808) 956-4844

image of Kaori Tamura

Allison Tsuchida Faculty

Interests: Adapted Physical Activity

Paulette Yamada Assistant Professor