
How To Apply

Intern Requirement

  • Enroll in KRS 488 (Practicum in Health and Exercise Science, 4 credits)
  • Completion of the prerequisite classes with a B- or higher (Exercise Physiology, Structural Kinesiology, and Weight Training, KRS 152, 353, 354).
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Recommendation by Da Houl, KRS undergraduate academic advisor.
  • Must complete background checks, immunizations and drug testing in accordance with REHAB procedures.

How to Apply for the Cancer Exercise Rehabilitation Internship

  1. Enroll in KRS 488 (Practicum in Health and Exercise Science)
  2. Complete and submit an internship application and your resume to Program Director, Dr. Paulette Yamada.
  3. Conduct in-person interview with Dr. Paulette Yamada