Basic Skills
Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or qualifying scores on the Praxis CORE Academic Skills for Educators exam, SAT or ACT to meet the basic skills requirement. Qualifying scores are available on the HTSB website and the ETS website.
Content Knowledge
A list of Praxis exams and passing test scores to meet the content knowledge requirement for specific licensure areas are available on the HTSB website and the ETS website. The Praxis exam taken should align with your intended licensure area. The MEdT program does not offer licensure programs in every subject listed on the HTSB and ETS websites (e.g. Middle Level). Applicants should register for the appropriate Elementary or Secondary English, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies exam. Secondary Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian Language Immersion will not require a Praxis II exam until one is designated by HTSB. Please contact the department if you are pursuing an area of licensure that was not previously listed.
We now also accept alternative methods for meeting the content knowledge requirement. See the How to Apply Page for more information.
Candidates in the Dual Secondary & Special Education cohort must pass the SPED Mild/Moderate Praxis before the start of their third semester in the program.