Ewa Beach, 2017-03-29 09:15:00

2017-03-29 from 09:15:00 to 11:15:00
Number of students: 22
School: Highlands Intermediate School

Transect lines: 6
Transect line length: 10
Point spacing: 1 meter
Quadrats per transect: 5
Quadrat spacing: 2 meters

Wind speed: 4–7 mph
Weather conditions: Partly Cloudy
Wind speed reference location: http://www.prh.noaa.gov/hnl/pages/SRF.ph

Wave height: 1–3
Wave height reference location: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/

Low tide time: 11:01:00
Low tide height: -0.3 ft
Low tide reference location: http://www.hawaiitides.com/Waikiki/Month

Rain in past 3 days: 1.00 in
Rain reference location: http://www.prh.noaa.gov/hnl/hydro/daily_

Number of visitors: 0
Number of fishers: 0
Number of collectors: 0