Each month, the Department of Special Education will be sharing a newsletter to provide updates and information to current students, alumni, faculty, and community members. The newsletter will include a range of topics including:
- Recruitment Information – which programs are currently enrolling and how to get more information
- Important Dates – reminders and key dates for currently enrolled students
- Student/Alum Profile – meet one of our current or graduating candidates
- Faculty Spotlight – get to know one of our faculty members
- Research to Practice – learn practical and evidence-based tips and have access to additional resources
- Employment – learn of open HIDOE sped teaching positions and other opportunities for employment
- Featured Program – see an overview of one of our current programs, or information on new programs and/or grants
- Announcements and Upcoming Events – learn of new opportunities or events that you can participate in
Browse through past newsletters. Be sure to join our mailing list so you can receive this newsletter each month (open to everyone): bit.ly/uhmspednewsletter
Have something you’d like to share or have us include in the next newsletter? Please email Janet Kim: spedinfo@hawaii.edu