Teacher Licensure
Candidates who already have a bachelor degree and are looking to become a certified special education teacher in Hawaii, please refer to our licensure program options:

Course Sequence/Certificate
Candidates who already have a master degree and are looking for additional coursework may pursue two available certificate/course sequences:

Master of Education in Special Education (MEd SPED)
Professionals who wish to increase their knowledge and skills in providing services to individuals with disabilities may be interested in our MEd SPED program options. This program supports career advancement with three specialization options:
Interdisciplinary (Fall admissions only): The interdisciplinary specialization is designed primarily for graduate candidates who wish to have an advanced degree in special education/disabilities services in order to pursue special education leadership and/or research. Completion of core courses and the designated elective courses allow candidates to examine key topics and issues in special education through the lens of an educational leader while also developing skills for evaluating and disseminating special education research. This program also allows candidates to work with their faculty advisors to individualize and accommodate candidates’ experiences, educational background and professional aspirations.
Literacy Specialist
Literacy Specialist (Summer admissions only): This specialization prepares literacy specialists to ensure all students achieve their maximum potential in written and spoken language as well as 21st Century literacies (e.g., digital, media, visual, critical). This program is a offered in partnership with the Department of Curriculum Studies. This program incorporates both International Literacy Association (ILA) and International Dyslexia Association (IDA) Standards. Candidates who already have 3 years of teaching experience can apply to add the field of Literacy Specialist to their current teaching license through the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB).
BCBA Track
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Track: This specialization is for students who are interested in pursuing certification in behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® has verified our course sequence as meeting the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst Examination®. Applicants will have to meet additional requirements to qualify.
Doctoral Degree
We offer a PhD in Education, Exceptionalities program specialization.
This specialization requires candidates to become grounded within Exceptionalities as a broad professional discipline. Under the guidance of his or her mentor, the candidate pursues an area of in-depth study and scholarship in Exceptionalities. Graduates of the program are expected to assume special education leadership roles addressing local, regional, national, and international issues related to research and higher education and/or program development and evaluation.
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