9:00am–9:00pm, November 3–24, 2020
Event Details
This year, the Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders (TECBD) is offering free registration to current university students and classroom teachers. Free registration is limited, therefore register early! Otherwise, the conference costs $35 to attend.
The conference will be completely virtual, however sessions will be spread out across four Tuesdays in November: 3, 10, 17, and 24.
This conferences provides content that supports working with a wide range of students, such as students with Emotional Behavior Disorders or students in classrooms with mild to moderate challenging behaviors often not receiving any additional supports (i.e., general education students). Therefore, this conference is a great opportunity for all educators.
This conference will benefit administrators, teachers, behavior therapists, counselors, researchers, or anyone interested in the education of children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. The conference offers over 150 different sessions on topics related to:
- Academic interventions
- Culturally responsiveness in EBD
- Behavioral interventions
- Internalizing behaviors
- Aggression and violence in schools
- Assessment
- Restraint and Seclusion
- Research to Practice
- Autism research and interventions
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Characteristics of students with EBD
- Multi-tiered Systems of Support
- Inclusion
- General EBD
- Juvenile Justice
- Transition
For more information and how to register, please visit: