Is there a cut-off score for the GRE?

There is no specific cut-off score used as the review committee will review the entire application package holistically to determine fit for the program. The GRE is one component of the entire application package.

Are there additional requirements for international applicants?

The foreign student application deadline is January 15. In addition to general application materials, a TOEFL score of 600 for applicants from foreign countries where English is not the dominant language (regardless of degree completion from other US institutions); and financial status verification is required. Please refer to the International Student website for more detailed … read more of Are there additional requirements for international applicants?

What is the field of Exceptionalities?

The field of Exceptionalities is concerned with services and education for individuals who have unique needs, often due to disabilities. The field is broad; addressing lifespan concerns, and involving such services as special education, advocacy, family support, community services, and vocational and postsecondary education and support services. A number of common underpinnings serve as the … read more of What is the field of Exceptionalities?

Do I need to take the GRE?

No, we no longer require the GRE as an admissions requirement to our MEd programs. However, instead you will be expected to write a timed, 30-minute essay as part of the video recorded response component of the application process.

What are synchronous online classes like?

For our online programs, classes will be presented through the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Laulima course site. Each course has a website that includes various components, such as the syllabus, course schedule, assignments, quizzes/tests, and other resources. Some courses may include recorded video lectures. Students should expect to study/work approximately 9 hours per week … read more of What are synchronous online classes like?

What is the Literacy Specialist Portfolio?

Candidates will complete a Literacy Specialist Portfolio as the capstone project as a part of this program. The portfolio for the Literacy Specialist program is an electronic portfolio in which candidates showcase their learning aligned with the International Literacy Association Standards for Reading/Literacy Specialists and International Dyslexia Standards. The Portfolio is comprised of artifacts based … read more of What is the Literacy Specialist Portfolio?

What is the New Candidate Orientation?

A full day orientation is held in late spring, prior to the Literacy Specialist course sequence. Candidates are provided with important information for successful completion of the program, training in distance technologies required by the program, and an opportunity to meet their instructors and Literacy Specialist colleagues. Candidates who live on neighbor islands would receive … read more of What is the New Candidate Orientation?