There is no set number of students to be admitted each year. Acceptance decisions are based on the eligibility and quality of each applicant. Completed applications are first screened by the Graduate Division admissions office, and only those applications of students who meet the minimum requirements of Graduate Division are forwarded to the graduate chair of the Ph.D. program. The graduate chair convenes an admissions committee which includes representatives from each track. Applications are comprehensively reviewed by the committee and the faculty of the track. In addition to weighing all the academic data and career information submitted with an application, consideration is given as to whether there is a match between an applicant’s research and program interests and faculty expertise. At least two faculty members in the track must indicate a willingness to mentor and serve as dissertation committee chair for a prospective student. The final decision on admissions rests with the Dean of Graduate Division, who takes into full consideration the recommendation of the Ph.D. in Education Program.
Students may be denied admission for any number of reasons. Some of the more common bases of denial are: undistinguished academic records and poor test scores; inadequate preparation and background for advanced academic or professional study; unclear or unfocused objectives for graduate study; or inability of the program to accommodate all qualified applicants due to limited space or lack of faculty to guide students in specified areas of interest.
It is recommended that applicants consult the coordinator of the Exceptionalities Track concerning their interests and availability of faculty in their intended area of studies. The current program coordinator is: Dr. Kavita Rao,