Post Baccalaureate Certificate, SPED
Become a Licensed Special Education Teacher (PK-3, K-6, or 6-12)
How to Apply Instructions
Spring admission only:
The application process consists of TWO parts. Both parts must be completed prior to the deadline. The application period is open from May 1 to Oct 1. If you have any questions regarding these requirements or need assistance with the application process, please contact
COE Mākālei Application (free)
Start your College of Education Mākālei application:
- Category: Apply to a Licensure Track Program
- Program: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Special Education (PBSPED)
- Semester: Spring 2025
- Select Program Options
- CHOOSE LICENSURE TYPE: Make sure you choose Licensure (Note: Add-a-Field option is for those who are already licensed teachers in other fields)
- CHOOSE MAJOR (SPECIALIZATION TRACK): Mild/Moderate or Severe/Autism
- CHOOSE LOCATION: Which island you will be pursuing the program from
- Complete Licensure Track Application Checklist
- Verify you read the Gainful Employment Information
- Verify you understand you will also need to submit your UH System Application (info to apply is provided below).
- Upload unofficial transcripts to Verify Eligibility (i.e., bachelor’s degree or higher, GPA of 2.75 or higher)
- Complete your Video Recorded Responses & Essay
- Write your Personal Statement/Essay
- Think of the most influential teacher you have had.
- Tell us who that person is (including their name, level, and school) and how/why that person impacted you the most.
- Then tell us what unique qualities and skills you have that would make you a successful teacher.
- Think of the most influential teacher you have had.
- Upload your Resumé
- Input contact information for Three Professional References
- Input Repeated courses, if any
- Verify Prior Post-Secondary Program Enrollment
- Submit Makalei Application
Note: More detailed information and tips for completing these checklist requirements are automatically shared with those who start their Mākālei application.
UH Mānoa System Application ($70 – fee waiver available)
Because this program is charged undergraduate tuition rates, please do not submit a Graduate Division application when applying to this program. Use the link provided below.
Start a new UH System Application
Note: Please only use one email address for your UH application – if you log into your application and change the email address in your file during or after you submit your application, it will delay processing and admissions decisions.
- About You
- This section includes: Personal Information, Your Address, Your Family (skip), Citizenship, Race & Ethnicity, and Other Background
- Your Academics
- Your UH Mānoa Plans
- Choose 2nd Bachelor
- Planned Course of Study: Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Special Education (Spring Admission only)
- Number of transfer credits: You can skip by putting ‘0’
- Previous College Coursework: Please list the institution where you received your bachelor’s degree and any coursework thereafter.
- Unofficial Transcripts: Upload a copy if you have them
- SKIP – Personal Statement & Achievement sections (not needed)
- Your UH Mānoa Plans
- Final Steps
- Tuition Classifications – Complete the Residency Classification information
- Request an Application Fee Waiver – All Hawaii residents are eligible for the application fee waiver. Submit and wait for confirmation of approval prior to fully submitting the application. If you are not a Hawaii resident, you can select ‘Other’ and use the code “PCERT” to receive a fee waiver.
- About You
- Final Step: Verify everything is correct by checking ‘Yes’
Once you finish submitting your UH application, please send official transcripts if you received your bachelor’s degree or higher from a non-UH institution. If you received your degree from a University of Hawaiʻi System institution (i.e., UHM, UHH, UHWO, or any Hawaii Community College) you do not need to send any official transcripts.

Office of Admissions
2600 Campus Road, Room 001
Honolulu, HI 96822-2385