Graduate Certificate, Curriculum Studies
Summer Hybrid, Hybrid
Introduction & Program Objectives
The Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate is a 15-credit hybrid program grounded in real-world problem-solving that empowers teachers as leaders to be locally-minded, global citizens through a sense of purpose and a sense of place. Students have the option of adding the field, Ethnomathematics, to an existing Hawai‘i Standard or Advanced License. As endorsed by the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board, the ethnomathematics program assessments, rubrics, and framework meet state and federal standards.
The Ethnomathematics program creates opportunities to develop teachers as leaders through the following objectives:
- Increase knowledge of culturally-sustaining mathematics content aligned with K–12 federal and state standards and values-based frameworks;
- Prepare teachers as leaders to provide instruction and professional development in Ethnomathematics in their schools, districts, and communities; and
- Strengthen sustainable campus-community networks leading to college, career, and community readiness.
Many of our students choose to enroll concurrently in this program and in the College of Education’s Master’s track in Math Education. Learn more about the Ethnomath + Master’s Option below.
Common Careers
Graduates of the program become leaders at the school-, district-, and state-level, and beyond. They provide instruction and deliver professional development in ethnomathematics in their communities. With the HTSB add-a-field licensure in ethnomathematics, they are able to increase content and pedagogical knowledge aligned with Mathematics Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and Nā Hopena A‘o (HĀ).
Admission Requirements
Must have graduated from an accredited, four-year institution of higher education recognized by the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM), prior to beginning the Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate program.
An Undergraduate Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
A transcript from each post-secondary institution attended.
Interview will be scheduled with program key staff
A written statement of objectives as part of your application.
Your resumé or CV.
Two (2) letters of recommendation
How to Apply
Application Deadlines
Starting Semester |
EARLY Admission |
GENERAL Admission |
Summer |
December 1 |
February 1 |
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt on a rolling basis beginning December 1. Review will continue until a cohort fills (20 people) on or before the February 1st deadline. It is recommended that you apply before the early admission deadline.
How to Apply
Tuition and Financial Assistance
The Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate is offered through Outreach College. All participants (Hawaiʻi resident and Non-resident) in this program pay the Hawaiʻi-resident per-credit course rate and fees.
For the most current information, always refer to the Graduate Division Website, UHM Tuition & Fees, or UHM Outreach College Tuition & Fees.
General information on financial assistance may be found at:
Ethnomathematics program scholarships are available to ALL students who successfully complete the course of study.
Federal financial aid is only available to students who are enrolled in both the Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate AND Master’s in Math Education.
- EDCS 654: Ethnomathematics (3)
- EDCS 606: Introduction to Research in Curriculum and Teaching (3)
- EDCS 622G: Curriculum Leadership: K–14 (3)
- EDCS 632: Qualitative Research Methods (3)
- EDCS 653F: Mathematics in the Schools: Integrated Mathematics Content (3)
*Applied classroom-based projects are embedded into coursework.
Ethnomathematics + Masterʻs Option
Candidates may choose to complete the Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate program on its own, or while pursuing an MEd Curriculum Studies, Math Education. The table below provides details regarding these options.
Summer 2026
(in-person June 22-28) |
EDCS 654 Ethnomathematics (3)
Fall 2026
(online) |
EDCS 606 Introduction to Research in Curriculum & Teaching (3)
EDCS 622G Curriculum Leadership: K–14 (3) |
EDCS 640H Seminar in Teaching Mathematics (3) |
Spring 2027
(online) (in person May 1-2) |
EDCS 632 Qualitative Research Methodology (3)
EDCS 653F Mathematics in the Schools: Integrated Mathematics Content (3) |
EDCS 667 Seminar in Curriculum (3)
Fall 2027
(online) |
EDCS 494 Problem Solving in
Mathematics Education (3)EDCS 624 School Mathematics Curriculum (3)EDCS 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (3) |
*Must apply separately for Add-a-Field license with the Hawaii Teachers Standards Board. Participants already holding a license in the State of Hawai‘i may add-a-field of licensure in Ethnomathematics through the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board with additional requirements.
To pursue this option, contact the program coordinator listed below.
International Students
International applicants: please contact program director below to discuss eligibility by November 15.
Program Coordinator
Our faculty and staff will provide you with guidance and resources to support your success from beginning to end. We look forward to hearing from you!
Program Coordinator