Engagement in Synchronous Sessions

Online synchronous sessions (real-time web conferencing meetings) can be a great place to build community and engage students! Get students communicating: Get students comfortable speaking on the microphone with an icebreaker type of activity. For smaller classes, consider starting class with a brief check-in, asking students to answer an easy question such as “What is … read more of Engagement in Synchronous Sessions

Course Introductions

Course introductions can help: Guide students through navigating your course website and materials Set the tone and start creating your course’s culture Enhance instructor presence and help students get to know you Connect students to concepts, ideas and questions Set expectations for what students will be doing and learning

Soliciting Student Feedback

Allowing students to provide anonymous feedback in real time can be a powerful tool to bring student voice into how you structure and run your course.

Checklist for Synchronous Sessions

Keep in mind the following when conducting synchronous sessions: Value students’ time Ask yourself if what students will experience is something they need to actually be synchronously online for. For example, if you’re only planning on delivering content, perhaps they could watch a recording on their own time? Make your sessions interactive Plan activities in … read more of Checklist for Synchronous Sessions


Portfolios allow students to showcase what they have learned in your course or program.

Case Studies

Case studies can be a small assignment completed in a week or a large one that spans a semester. Often more than one scenario is provided with associated prompts for students to respond to. Instructions and assignment requirements (e.g. the length of students’ responses, where and when to submit the case study report, etc.) should … read more of Case Studies