
Screencasts & Recorded Lecture

Screencasts and recorded lectures are often used to present content for asynchronous delivery, either in asynchronous courses or for student consumption outside of class time.


Screencasts are recorded videos that capture a computer screen or desktop and it may include audio narration. Common screencast uses include:

  • Software and Web 2.0 application procedures
  • Lecture or presentation for students to access anytime
  • Audio and video feedback to students

Snagit, Screencastify, Screencast-O-Matic, and Quicktime for macOS common tools to create screencasts. See a sample screencast below, which shows Frank recording his voice and showing his desktop to produce a “how-to” video tutorial.

Recorded Lecture via PowerPoint

Recorded lectures can be done through PowerPoint or screencasts. For narrated PowerPoint files, it can be delivered as either a PowerPoint file or a converted mp4 file.

Topic Introductions in Asychronous Courses

When LTEC’s Dr. Dan Hoffman delivers his courses asynchronously, he provides in-depth videos introducing students to each week’s topics. He typically publishes these videos as a start to the week, to guide students as they engage with the material and interact via discussion tools. He often adds opportunities for additional instructor interaction through weekly small group office hours. Check out two examples of his engaging and informative videos below.

In this video, Dr. Hoffman highlights student work (done outside of class), introduces a theory of human values, and then uses various graphic analogies to differentiate educational equity and equality. Course: LTEC 676 Social and Ethical Issues in Educational Technology

In the next video, Dr. Hoffman combines graphics and text to review a number of technical concepts related to digital audio. The video then introduces visual aesthetics as an important dimension of producing high-quality educational videos. The video explores specific techniques from photography and design and reinforces them with concrete, real-world examples. Course: LTEC 623 Digital Video Design

Learn more about module walk-throughs on the Advanced Organizers & Walk-throughs page.

Zoom Support

Zoom allows you to create screen recordings. See our Zoom tutorials and lessons to learn more!