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Photo of Elizabeth Chapman De Sousa

Elizabeth Chapman De Sousa
Educational Psychology

(808) 956-0802

Interests: Sociocultural Theory; Educator Preparation for Multilingual Learners; Children who are Multilingual

Photo of Seongah Im

Seongah Im
Educational Psychology (Professor)

(808) 956-4299

Interests: Applied statistics and psychometrics; Mixed effects modeling using item and test scores; Test and scale validation

Madiha Jamil + She/Her/Hers
Educational Psychology (Assistant Professor)

(808) 956-4281

Interests: Mindfulness in education, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Leadership development for School Counselors, Trauma-Informed practices, Restorative Justice approaches

Min Liu
Educational Psychology

(808) 956-4295

(808) 956-6615

Interests: Multilevel modeling; Multivariate methods; Structural equation modeling, with an emphasis in studying observed and latent group differences in social and behavioral sciences

Photo of Rebecca ʻIlima Kaʻanehe

Rebecca ʻIlima Kaʻanehe
Educational Psychology

Photo of Mark Murphy

Mark Murphy
Educational Psychology (Assistant Professor)

(808) 956-4300

(808) 956-6615

Interests: Educational equity; Quasi-experimental methods; Program evaluation; Education policy

Stacie Odo
Educational Psychology

(808) 956-7775

(808) 956-6615

Photo of Hye-Jin Park

Hye-Jin Park
Educational Psychology

(808) 956-9994

Interests: Culturally and linguistically diverse and economically disadvantaged students; Exceptional Students; Mixed Methods; Evaluation

Photo of Katherine Ratliffe

Katherine Ratliffe
Educational Psychology

(808) 956-4281

(808) 956-6615

Interests: Family School and Community Partnerships; Immigrant education; Disability; Pacific Island students

Photo of Rodney Todorovich
Photo of Lois Yamauchi

Lois Yamauchi
Educational Psychology

(808) 956-4385

(808) 956-6615

Interests: Cultural Influences on Learning and Development; Sociocultural Theories; Teachers, Students, and Families from Non-Majority Backgrounds