Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science (KRS)



Can I apply to the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science (BS KRS) program out of high school?

Yes, we have two tracks for the BS in KRS. They are the Health and Exercise Science (HES) and Health and Physical Education (HPE) tracks. See Freshman Admission Requirements: University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Undergraduate - Freshman

How can I find out if my courses are transferable?

Input your transfer course subject and select UHM as your campus: UH Transfer Database

"The evaluation of courses on this site is a guide, and transferability of any given course is not guaranteed until an official transfer credit evaluation is completed."

Are there prerequisite courses required for a major declaration for transfer students?

No, but if possible, consider completing the following courses: Chemistry 161/L, Physics 151/L, and Anatomy and Physiology with labs.

What is MĀKĀLEI?

MĀKĀLEI is an online system that the College of Education (COE) uses to walk you through the application process. Mākālei: COE Student Journey.

When do I officially file for graduation and where?

Two semesters prior to your graduating semester meet with an advisor at OSAS. Confirm your KRS core and elective requirements have been met with KRS advisor, Da Houl:

Who do I contact for a class-closed or repeat or prerequisite override?

Email the particular course instructor. For transfer students and only for KRS courses, you may contact KRS advisor, Da Houl:, for a repeat or prerequisite override. Please provide the error message from STAR, your UH ID # and the course CRN.

Where are our graduates now?

Some are in graduate programs like PT, OT, AT, Pharmacy, Nursing, PA, and Medical. Some are working as Strength & Conditioning Coaches, PT technicians at REHAB hospital of the Pacific, various positions in UH the Athletics Department.

Is there a Physical Therapy Program at UHM?

The DPT program is currently going through the curriculum/program planning phases. 

How do I find out about admission and prerequisite course requirements for graduate schools?

It’s best to review the information first on the particular graduate school website then communicate directly with their program admission counselor.

What should I include in my Statement of Objectives when applying for the MS AT or MS KRS Program?

The statement of objectives is generally 1-2 written pages on what you are hoping to gain from the program to which you are applying. Include how the program fits into your future professional goals as well as how your previous academic work has prepared you for the program.