Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Secondary Education - Emphasis in Health and/or Physical Education

Typical Length Varies

Delivery Campus-Based, Varies




Stipends Available

PBCSE- Emphasis in Health and/or Physical Education is a flexible program that is designed for students who have a BA or BS degree and wish to obtain initial basic teacher certification in health and/or physical education. Students do not have to complete any content knowledge coursework prior to admissions, however, the program length varies based on prior coursework and content knowledge. Depending on the content area and level chosen for certification will determine the number of credit hours needed to complete the program (minimum 34). Students who complete this initial teacher licensure program are encouraged to continue their professional growth. PBCSE-Secondary students may apply up to 12-course credits from the program to a College of Education (COE) master’s degree program. Students must negotiate course transfer at the time of application to the master’s program.

Common Careers

Graduates of this program become teachers in elementary and/or secondary educational institutions, both public (Hawai‘i Department of Education and Public Charter Schools) and private.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be recommended for licensure in the State of Hawai‘i in one of the following fields depending on their personal choices:

  • K-12 Health and Physical Education
  • 6-12 Health and Physical Education
  • 6-12 Health Education
  • 6-12 Physical Education
  • K-6 Physical Education
Career and Licensure Information

Once completing an initial teacher licensure program, graduates are eligible to apply for a state license through the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board, which will allow the licensee to teach in public and charter schools in the State of Hawai‘i.

Hawai‘i also participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement which facilitates the mobility of educators among states that are members of NASDTEC. UHM recommends you contact the office of certification in any state to which you may be relocating to get the most current information. See NASDTEC website for more information.

Admission Requirements

Must have graduated from an accredited, four-year institution of higher education recognized by the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM), prior to beginning the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Secondary Education (PBCTE, Secondary): Physical Education program.

2.50 Cumulative GPA or higher

2.50 Major Cumulative GPA or higher

Complete 40 hours of paid or voluntary group leadership field experience with K-12th grade students. The experience cannot have occurred more than 5 years prior to acceptance into the program.

Meet the content knowledge requirement
NACES is required for graduates of non-US institutions of higher education

Interview with the program

Write a personal statement

Provide Three (3) Professional References

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Application Deadlines
Spring Start Deadline Fall Start Deadline
Priority (General) September 1 February 1
Regular (General) October 1 March 1
International Students September 1 January 5


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Tuition & Funding

Tuition and Fees

The Grow Our Own Teachers Initiative, also known as GOO, is an opportunity for candidates enrolled in PBCSE-Secondary and the Master of Education in Teaching in Secondary Education programs to qualify for tuition stipends. GOO is made possible through a partnership between the College of Education of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and Hawai‘i Department of Education. For more information on eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit our Grow Our Own Teachers page.

UHM Financial Aid Services

College of Education Scholarships

Veterans Affairs

Delivery Format

PBCSE- Health & Physical Education is a Mānoa based program that allows admissions in the Fall and Spring term each year. Although there are specific courses that are offered in an online format, there are some courses that require you to be on campus and therefore is not ideal for students who do not live on Oahu.

Licensure Options

There are many options for licensure through the Health and Physical Education PBCSE program. The licensure option that you pursue will dictate the number of credits that it will take you to complete the program. There are also ranges for credit hours for each program based on prior experiences and content knowledge.

  • K-12 Health and Physical Education (46 -105 credits)
  • 6-12 Health and Physical Education (46 – 93 credits)
  • 6-12 Health Education (24-43 credits)
  • 6-12 Physical Education (34-64 credits)
  • K-6 Physical Education (34-64 credits)
  • K-12 Physical Education (34-76 credits)

The PBCSE – Health and/or Physical Education allows you flexibility in the coursework that you take based on the type of licensure that you are seeking. The amount of coursework needed is also based on previous coursework taken and content knowledge requirements. Therefore, the following are options and examples of the coursework needed for different licensure options. However, we suggest you set up a meeting with Da Houl (see the contact page) in order to determine exactly what classes you need.

PROGRAM OPTION A – Physical Education Only (34 – 49 credits)

Students must pass the PRAXIS Physical Education Content Knowledge (5091) and successfully complete and pass with proficiency a skill assessment equivalent to KRS 181 and 182 before admission into program A.

KRS 371 Teaching Techniques I
KRS 372 Teaching Techniques II
KRS 443 Diversity & Disability
KRS 470 Fitness for Life
KRS 473 Sociocultural Issues in Health and Physical Activity (Online)
KRS 402S/E Teaching Practicum (Need to take grade-level appropriate)
KRS 404 Teaching Methods: PE

Credits Student Teaching Residency (12-24 CR. Depending on certification level)
KRS 405 Student Teaching Residency
KRS 406 Seminar in Teaching Residency

PROGRAM OPTION B – Physical Education Only (61-76 credits)

KRS 113 Human Physiology and Anatomy
KRS 354/L Exercise and Sport Physiology
KRS 463 Sport Biomechanics
KRS 270 Introduction to Health and Physical Education
KRS 271 Performance-Based Assessment in Health and Physical Education
KRS 372 Teaching Techniques II
KRS 371 Teaching Techniques I
KRS 443 Diversity & Disability
KRS 470 Fitness for Life
KRS 473 Sociocultural Issues in Health and Physical Activity (Online)
KRS 477 Motor Development & Learning
EDEP 631 Adolescence and Education or EDEP 311
KRS 402S/E Teaching Practicum (Need to take grade-level appropriate)
KRS 404 Teaching Methods: PE

Credits Student Teaching Residency (12-24 CR. Depending on certification level)
KRS 405 Student Teaching Residency
KRS 406 Seminar in Teaching Residency

If the student would also like to be certified in Health Education they must complete either option A or B below (in addition to PE option A or B above or complete student teaching residency):

Program Option A – Health Education (24 – 36 credits)

Take 12 credits in Health Education and pass the Praxis Content Exam Health Education (5551) (must be completed prior to certification recommendation)

KRS 401: Advanced Health Concepts (online)
KRS 471: Teaching Methods in Health
KRS 485: Sexual Health Education (online)
KRS 484: Drug Abuse, Violence, & Injury Prevention (online)

Credits Student Teaching Residency (12-24 CR. Depending on certification level)
KRS 405 Student Teaching Residency
KRS 406 Seminar in Teaching Residency

Program Option B – Health Education (41-53 credits)

KRS 270: Introduction to Health and Physical Education
KRS 271: Performance-Based Assessment in Health and Physical Education
KRS 302: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
KRS 401: Advanced Health Concepts (online)
KRS 471: Teaching Methods in Health
KRS 473 Sociocultural Issues in Health and Physical Activity
KRS 477: Motor Development and Learning
KRS 485: Sexual Health Education
KRS 484: Drug Abuse, Violence, & Injury Prevention

Credits Student Teaching Residency (12-24 CR. Depending on certification level)
KRS 405 Student Teaching Residency
KRS 406 Seminar in Teaching Residency


For general information please contact:

College of EducationOffice of Student Academic Services (OSAS)
phone: (808) 956-7915

Schedule an appointment with an OSAS Advisor


For questions specific to health and physical education courses please contact one of the following people:

Da Houl

Program Specialist/KRS Advisor

Photo of Erin Centeio

Erin Centeio

Associate Professor