Standards Aligned
Next Generation Science Standards, Social Studies (C3), Common Core Math, Common Core ELA, Na Hapena A'o, International Society for Technology in Education, Other (see Unit)
Community Partner(s)
- Community partners school (i.e, students at Shishmaref School, Grade 6)
- Community partner (i.e., Scott Fisher, Hawaii Island Land Trust @ Waihe’e)
Essential Question
How do scientists and engineers understand, plan and design for the impacts of climate change in coastal areas?
Enduring Understanding
- Human activities contribute to changes in earth systems.
- Personal experience brings value, as well as meaning, to an object or a place.
- The effects of global climate change are currently being felt in coastal areas and will continue to intensify.
- Environmental engineers use data to measure and monitor changes in an ecosystem and need to consider whole ecosystems when planning and designing solutions.
- Model building is an effective way to prototype and test a design solution
Learner Level Elementary
Primary Content English Language Arts, STEM, Math, Science, Social Studies