This curriculum is still under review by faculty. Units identified as Under Review have been submitted by educators. While they are available to view now, they are currently being reviewed by our curriculum committee for addition to this site.
Standards Aligned
Next Generation Science Standards, Social Studies (C3), Common Core ELA, Na Hapena A'o
Community Partner(s)
- Community librarian
- Community veterinarian
- Community elementary school
- Manderian teacher
- Honolulu Police Department
Essential Question
How can you behave differently in different places and still be respectful and responsible?
Enduring Understanding
- I can behave in a responsible and respectful manner by using self-control.
- I can be a good citizen by respecting others, sharing, and participating.
- I can observe and recognize good behaviors
Author Reflections
After teaching this unit, I think having some community partners come to the school and our classroom first would be more benificial than going out into the community. A sense of place within our shcool is so important and I would like to foster our school enviorment before venturing out into the community.

Learner Level Elementary
Primary Content English Language Arts, Social Studies, Technology