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STEMS2 Student/Alumni

How I Practice STEMS²

As a math, science, SPED, and project teacher at Hālau Kū Māna, public charter school,  STEMS2 is a daily practice of mindfulness. Rather than simply teaching content and standards, utilizing the STEMS2 pillars of aʻo, makawalu, sense of place, advocacy, and moʻolelo have grounded me into an expansive teaching practice beyond the boundaries of sharing information. Not only am I a teacher, like the Hawaiian word aʻo defines, I am a participant of an exchange of knowledge between teacher and student. Practicing makawalu, seeing from multiple lens, incorporating a variety of perspectives in my classroom to allow the exchange of information to happen in a cohesive learning space. I choose to be considerate of the spaces I work and live embracing each personʻs unique experience as a contributing member to the collective whole. Involving our community beyond the classroom and in the classroom to foster real life applications of content and standards. Finally bridging all the multiple perspectives and avenues with moʻoleo or stories that glue us together in the big picture.

Where I Teach

Honolulu, Hawaii