Designing Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Place-Based Learning Experiences
The Next Generation Science Standards call for science teaching that expands student understanding through meaningful participation in science both in and outside of the classroom. Na Hopena A‘o learner outcomes are grounded in the stance that ʻO Hawai‘i ke kahua o ka ho‘ona‘auao (Hawai‘i is the foundation of our learning). Taken together, these two educational reforms create a space for science teachers in Hawaiʻi to imagine how science education could be linked to and prioritize kānaka ʻōiwi epistemologies, language, and ways of knowing in classrooms throughout the state. In this presentation science educators hoʻowala‘au (start a conversation) about designing culturally sustaining and revitalizing and place-based science curriculum aligned with NGSS. They will share a design approach that utilizes NGSS disciplinary core ideas in the context of culturally highly salient proverbs referred to as ʻōlelo no‘eau as a jumping off point for curricular design and resulting learning experiences.
STEMS² Pillars: Makawalu, Moʻolelo
June 25th, 2020, 9:20am–10:20am HST
Location: STEMS² Symposium Room 1
Kristi DesuacidoHālau Kū Māna Public Charter School
Phillippe Rivera Fernandez-BrennanSTEMS2 Student/Alumni
Violeta RomeroFarrington High School
Kirsten MawyerUniversity of Hawaiʻi Mānoa