
Critical Food Systems Education for the Anthropocene




The session will be both a presentation and a dialogue about developing and achieving core food system competencies for the Anthropocene. The curriculum, pedagogy and community partnerships of the University of Hawaii – West Oahu Sustainable Community Food Systems program will be profiled in detail. Future collaboration with community based groups will be discussed along with the need for greater inter-institutional collaboration. Post secondary sustainable food systems education will be presented in the context of urgent calls for food system transformation.

Session Recording

STEMS² Pillars: Aʻo, Makawalu, Sense of Place, Advocacy


June 25th, 2020, 9:20am–10:20am HST

Location: STEMS² Symposium Room 4

  • Albie Miles, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
    Sustainable Community Food Systems, University of Hawaii - West Oahu