
Restoring Ea – A MS Ecology Unit Designed for the NGSS and HĀ Outcomes




Participants in this workshop will learn how the NGSS and HĀ Outcomes can be leveraged in a place-based unit, Restoring Ea, that explores scientific and traditional ways of knowing; and engage an immersive experience from the unit to consider how they might adapt the unit to their own setting. This place-based middle school science unit explores management strategies that could be used for the Loko ea fishpond to sustainably feed people and ensure the ecosystem is healthy and pono (balanced). The unit honors and leverages traditional and scientific ways of knowing to create experiences that connect students to ‘āina (land) through investigations of place. The Restoring Ea unit was co-designed with teachers from the Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua complex in O‘ahu, and partners from Mālama Loko Ea Foundation and Ko‘olau Mountains Watershed Partnership and developed by BSCS Science Learning.

This place-based middle school science unit explores management strategies that could be used for the Loko ea fishpond to sustainably feed people and ensure the ecosystem is healthy and pono (balanced). The unit honors and leverages traditional and scientific ways of knowing to create experiences that connect students to ‘āina (land) through investigations of place.

The Restoring Ea unit was co-designed with teachers from the Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua complex in O‘ahu, and partners from Mālama Loko Ea Foundation and Ko‘olau Mountains Watershed Partnership and developed by BSCS Science Learning.

STEMS² Pillars: Makawalu, Moʻolelo, Sense of Place, Advocacy


June 30th, 2021, 9:05am–10:05am HST

Location: Sense of Place (Gather.Town)

  • user profile image
    Cindy Gay
  • user profile image
    Sean O'Connor