The Teaching Clinic’s One Health Case: Student teachers’ view on why One Health education should be early, inclusive, and holistic
Talk Story / Paper
We will share experiences from the Teaching Clinic’s One Health Case research semester. This will include both the participating students and the supervisor’s perspective, moderated by a second professor. The student teachers will also prepare accompanying PowerPoint slides on their One Health school projects.
STEMS² Pillars: Aʻo, Makawalu
June 30th, 2022, 10:45am–11:45am HST
Location: Moʻolelo (Gather.Town)
Ulrich HobuschUniversity of Vienna
Julija MaleticiUniversity of Vienna
Anna PfefferUniversity of Vienna
Martin ScheuchUniversity College for Agrarian and Environmental Education
Dominik FroehlichUniversity of Vienna