Opening a Portal: Bringing Sensitive, Relevant Topics into the Classroom
Join two educators, from the education team of the Pacific Alliance Against COVID-19 (PAAC), as they share how they worked with students in answering the questions above through a process that can be duplicated with other sensitive issues we are faced with today. This is an interactive workshop connecting lessons that supported student use of the open access, place-based educational modules on the PAAC website. Participants will “walk through” student experiences for the unit to gain a sense of the process used in rolling out these lessons for students. Included in this process:
- defining civil discourse and safe learning spaces that include active listening, and engaging diverse perspectives in constructive, respectful, yet thought provoking ways
- student voice and choice
- an opportunity for students to build intergenerational connections that reconnect parents to their child’s education
- an arts connected experience that provides pathways for students to share their learning in ways that allow their creative, expressive sides to shine
- access to resources that can be used as is, or will be open for “copying” and iterating based on participant’s class, and content needs
June 30th, 2022, 10:45am–11:45am HST
Location: Advocacy (Gather.Town)
A. Ka`ōlinokaimana YasuokaSTEMS2 Student/Alumni
Kaleolani HanohanoKahuku High School