
Oh the Web We Weave! Diving into STEMS²


Plenary Session


Our Day Two Plenary serves as the official welcome to our online teaching and learning space. Join together with our global community of fellow STEMS² enthusiasts who share a passion for exploring the roles that place, culture, and identity play in interdisciplinary education. Together we will step into our symposium theme “Oh the web we weave” and explore the networks’ collective work with the STEMS² Framework as a dynamic and complex web of integration.

  • How do our webs get built?
  • What is required to sustain their strength?
  • What feeds their growth?

We will also provide guidance for navigating the STEMS² Symposium virtual places. This session will take place in Gather.Town so you will have an opportunity to practice and play.

Gather Town Map


June 28th, 2023, 9:00am–9:45am HST

Location: Auditorium (Gather.Town)