
Sustaining Our Webs: Meaning Making & Moving Forward


Plenary Session


This session serves as the closing plenary and our final community gathering for the 5th Annual STEMS² Symposium. Together, we will reflect on our symposium theme, “Oh the web we weave,” utilizing the STEMS² Framework as a catalyst for collaboration and the intertwining of knowledge and perspectives. Join this global gathering of fellow STEMS² enthusiasts to continue building your web of sustaining relationships that drive collective action.

This session will take place immediately following the Day Three workshops. Participants can choose to join us in person at the College of Education, College Collaboration Center, Wist Hall Rm 133 (1776 University Avenue) or online in Gather.Town (STEMS² Gathering Space).


June 29th, 2023, 12:00pm–12:30pm HST

Location: College Collaboration Center, Wist Hall 134 or STEMS^2 Gathering Space (Gather.Town)