
Lucky We Stay Hawai’i? – Experiences of Educators New to Hawai’i


Talk Story / Paper


This conference presentation and talk story session will engage the participants in a discussion on areas they feel new residents need support, as well as what kama‘aina and new residents’ roles are in their professional and personal communities. In addition to the discussion, this presentation will share the results of a recent study of the socialization of new-to-Hawai‘i instructional UHM faculty. The study participants offered open, honest accounts of their experiences, which resulted in detailed, actionable recommendations for both new hires and administrators. Like the STEMS2 pedagogy of A‘o, to teach and learn, the study participants emphasized the importance of spending time with their students and building relationships with them outside instructional hours. Sharing about their own lives and exchanging stories, or “talk story,” with students laid the foundation for a culture of trust in their classes which resulted in better understanding of their students’ lives and Hawai‘i, and fostered growth for themselves. This research highlighted Hawai‘i’s collective culture and the importance of community in Hawai‘i. Education professionals and non-educators will find this discussion applicable across all industries in Hawai‘i that hire non-resident employees.

STEMS² Pillars: Aʻo


June 28th, 2023, 11:00am–12:00pm HST

Location: Moʻolelo (Gather.Town)

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    Lori Furoyama, PhD
    University of Hawai'i at Manoa