Teacher Resources
Activity Ideas:
- Hilberg, Chang, & Epaloose’s (2003) Designing effective activity centers for diverse learners: a guide for teachers at all grade levels is an excellent resource for designing and implementing activity centers. Resources for creating activity centers and sample materials such as task cards, rubrics, and activity center ideas are provided.
- PDF Article: Hilberg et al 2003
Task Cards:
Lesson Plan Templates & Samples:
- Lesson Plan Template
- Sample Kindergarten Lesson Plan
- Sample Hoku Activity Plan
- Sample Preschool Lesson Plan
Forms of Assistance:
Special Education:
- Mercer, & Mercer’s (1998) Teaching Students with Learning problems provides a scope and sequence skills lists for grades K-6.
Activity Center Rotation Charts:
- From “Multiple Simultaneous Diverse Activity Settings with Teacher Center, Sample Rotation Schedule for Five Activities Without Follow-up/Preview”
Community Building & Early Content Theme:
Phasing In:
- Tips for Joint Productive Activity (JPA)
- Tips for Language and Literacy Development (LLD)
- Tips for Contextualization (CTX)
- Hilberg, Chang, & Epaloose’s (2003) Designing effective activity centers for diverse learners: a guide for teachers at all grade levels is an excellent resource for designing and implementing activity centers. Resources for creating activity centers and sample materials such as task cards, rubrics, and activity center ideas are provided.