Assessment of Teacher Candidate Performance

What was taught

The following standards serve as student learning outcomes

Learning Differences
Professional Learning & Ethical Practice
Content Knowledge
Application of Content
Leadership & Collaboration
Instructional Strategies
Learning Environments
Learner Development
Planning for Instruction

How learning was measured

Assessments A-D were used to determine if candidates were successful in demonstrating their competence and ability in the following areas

Assessment A Assessment B Assessment C Assessment D

Planning Instruction

Ability to plan instruction for P12 learners

Student Teaching Evaluation

Candidates demonstrate proficiency in clinical practice

  • Planning & Preparation
  • Classroom Environment Instruction
  • Professional Responsibility

Effect on P12 Learning

Ability to plan, teach, & access a unit of instruction

Professional Dispositions

Candidates demonstrate dispositions including:

  • Professionalism
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Reflection
  • Diversity

Assessment Results

2017-2018 Academic Year

This program utilizes the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards to guide the Assessment of candidates

Pass Rate on Praxis II Exam - Candidates must pass this standardized, nationally-normed examination of content knowledge
Planned Instruction
  • Distinguished 4
  • Proficient 67
  • Basic 29
Student Teaching Evaluation
  • Distinguished 18
  • Proficient 73
  • Basic 9
Effect on P12 Learning
  • Distinguished 14
  • Proficient 72
  • Basic 15
Professional Dispositions
  • Meets Expectations 96
  • Needs Improvement 4