Elena Logologo

“The COE has served American Sāmoa for many years in providing great opportunities for teachers to learn and gain knowledge and experience in serving children in the classrooms.”
My home village is Petesa Tai, Tafuna in American Sāmoa.
School of Teacher Education - Elementary
School of Teacher Education, Territorial Teacher Training Assistance Program (TTTAP)
Bachelors of Education in Elementary and Early Childhood Education (EECE)
Where do you work?
I work at Lupelele Elementary School.
How did you become interested in the field of Early Childhood Education?
Before becoming an early childhood education teacher, I had already been worked with young children at our village and church as a Sunday school teacher and youth member. I have enjoyed being a part of the young children’s learning growth and development.
Briefly describe your road to college.
Personally, it was a great struggle. I’m a single mother raising four kids and striving to complete courses to receive a college degree. I received my Associates of Arts degree from our American Sāmoa Community College in December 2011. I was fortunate to be accepted as a member of the College of Education Cohort 33 to further my education and receive my bachelor’s degree while striving to raise my children and provide for my family. At the end, it was all worth it.
Why did you select the UHM COE?
The COE has served American Sāmoa for many years in providing great opportunities for teachers to learn and gain knowledge and experience in serving children in the classrooms.
What does the TTTAP program mean to you?
A program that offers great opportunities for teachers to become great educators to foster young children’s learning.
Is there anyone in particular who has inspired you along the way?
My parents and my children. My parents did not receive any high level education. However, they both never failed to encourage, motivate, and provide for me and my siblings to further our education. My children inspire me to be a role model for them. I challenge myself to have faith, be strong, and never give up to set a great example for my children.
What are your plans for post graduate?
I am now enrolled in the COE PACMED program starting Fall 2019.
*TTTAP is a COE School of Teacher Education program for students in American Sāmoa, offering Bachelor of Education (BEd) degrees for in-service elementary teachers in two areas – the Dual Preparation in Elementary and Special Education (ESEE) program and the Dual Preparation in Elementary and Early Childhood Education (EECE) program.