Rachel Jones

“My most memorable experience would have to be the time we spent together as a cohort. We created and taught so many lessons to each other over the years. I could not have made it without their support and laughs along the way.”




School of Teacher Education - Elementary

Related Degrees

  • BEd, Elementary Education

What is your current COE program?
I am in the Elementary Education program and part of the first Ka Malu O Kaiona* cohort

How did you become interested in the field of education?
I became interested in the field of education in my fourth semester at a local community college when I took a class designed for early elementary teachers. I took the class to fulfill a math requirement, but I ended up really enjoying the material.

How has the COE program impacted or benefited your career path?
Being in the COE elementary education program has benefitted my career path by not only preparing me for my own classroom, but also pairing me with amazing mentors who have given me so much knowledge these past two years.

Is there anyone in particular who inspired you to pursue teaching as a career?
Many people inspired me, but most of all my cousin Sean.

What is your most memorable experience of being a part of the Ka Malu O Kaiona cohort?
My most memorable experience would have to be the time we spent together as a cohort. We created and taught so many lessons to each other over the years. I could not have made it without their support and laughs along the way.

Are you involved in any other university or community organizations?
I am a member of Punaluu Yin Sit Sha, which my great grandfather helped form in 1906 as a debate society for political purposes.

How has COVID-19 affected your life?
COVID-19 has made a huge impact in my life because it changed everything from teaching to getting groceries. I have been keeping a journal to reflect on my day and plan for the ones to come. During this time, gardening and spending time with my loved ones has helped give me comfort.

What are your future visions and goals?
My short-term future goal is to get a full-time teaching position at a local elementary school. My long-term goal is to go back to school and further my education so that I am able to make a larger impact on students’ lives.

*Ka Malu O Kaiona is a K-6 elementary cohort in the School of Teacher Education Elementary Program coordinated by Dr. Rosela Balinbin Santos. Based in Wai‘anae Coast partner schools with the goal of recruiting future teachers for and from Wai‘anae Coast communities, the program focuses on place-based learning, culturally relevant pedagogy, and community advocacy. Spring 2020 marks the first graduates of the Ka Malu O Kaiona cohort.

Check out this Mālama Puʻuloa blog post about the cohort’s visit to Kapapapuhi (scroll down to August 28, 2019).

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