Multiple Specialization Tracks Available

Typical Length 2 years

Delivery Campus-Based, Hybrid

Nationally Accredited




Stipends Available

If interested, please refer to the “How to Apply” page for this program. Questions and concerns can be shared using the “Request More Info” page.

Become an Elementary School Teacher

Our elementary program is a State Approved Teacher Education Program (SATEP) in Hawai‘i. Upon successful completion of this program, you will be recommended for initial teacher licensure with the Hawaii Teachers Standards Board (HTSB) to teach at the elementary school level (K-6) and some options include the opportunity to teach at the early childhood level (PK-3).

  • Teachers at the elementary school level are typically responsible for the instruction of all core subject areas (English Language Arts, Science, Math, and Social Studies) for a class of approximately 25 students and are expected to meet the academic, organizational, behavioral, and professional goals of highly qualified teachers in the United States of America. Elementary teachers help provide the early academic and social experiences that build a foundation for student success.
  • Early Childhood (PK-3) teachers are also responsible for the instruction of all core subject areas, with a strong focus on literacy, child development, and family relationships.
Career & Licensure Information

Program graduates teach in public elementary schools, public preschools, private schools, and private preschools. Program graduates also pursue graduate degrees in education and other fields.

Once completing an initial teacher licensure program (gaining recommendation), graduates are eligible to apply for a state license through the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board, which will allow the licensee to teach in public and charter schools in the State of Hawai‘i.

Hawai‘i also participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement which facilitates the mobility of educators among states that are members of NASDTEC. UHM recommends you contact the office of certification in any state to which you may be relocating to get the most current information. See NASDTEC website for more information.

Cohorted Format

This program is cohort-based and admits students each year in the fall term. In a cohort model, students enroll in a series of core courses with their cohort peers, beginning and ending the program together. Such an approach helps build community and support structures within the program.

Admission Requirements
  • 2.75 GPA or higher
  • Complete 55+ credits prior to beginning the program. The 55 credits can be from UHM and/or approved transfer credits from another institution.
  • Complete UHM General Education Core Requirements prior to the start of the program. Applicants who have completed an articulated Associates of Arts (AA) degree from a UH Community College are considered to have met the UHM General Education Core Requirements with possible exceptions (see an academic advisor).
    • Effective Fall 2025: Completion of two W/I courses with C or better will be required for admission prior to the start of the licensure program (Non-UH system transfer students can meet this requirement by completing 2 English Literature or Composition courses with grades of C or better).
    • Effective Fall 2025: Either DA or DL course with HWST 107 (DH) will be required for admission prior to the start of the licensure program.
  • Complete Licensure-Track Prerequisite Courses
    • MATH 111
    • MATH 112 (FQ)
    • HWST 107 (DH)
    • HDFS 230 or PSY 240 (DS)
    • SPED 304
    • STE/EDEF 360
    • EDEF 310 (or EDEF 352)*
    • EDEP 311*
  • Additional prerequisite courses may be required, depending on chosen track. See track options below for more information.
  • Complete 40 hours of paid or voluntary group leadership field experience with PK-6th grade students. The experience cannot have occurred more than 5 years prior to acceptance into the program.
  • Interview with the program
  • Write a personal statement
  • Provide Three (3) Professional References

*It is highly recommended to take these courses before entry to the program. However, these courses may be taken while enrolled in the program as long as they are completed prior to the final semester of student teaching.

All applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with an academic advisor prior to applying in order to verify admission requirements. Academic advisors can assist with identifying which requirements have been met and provide support in registering or completing next steps.

Set up an appointment with an academic advisor

Application Deadlines

New cohorts start only in Fall semesters*. Application deadlines are as follows:

  • International Students: January 5 (refer to the International Admission Process for detailed information)
    • International students requiring student visas must participate in a campus-based program.
  • February 1: Priority Deadline
  • March 1: Final Deadline

*The programs will be offered contingent upon sufficient enrollment.

How to Apply
Tuition & Funding

$471 per credit for residents and $1389 per credit for non-residents. Students enrolled in an online program will only be assessed for resident tuition regardless of their residence in a different state or country. See the “Undergraduate” heading on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

See the following sites for funding information:

State Tuition Stipend Opportunities

A partnership between the College of Education of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and Hawai‘i Department of Education provides tuition stipend opportunities to enrolled candidates who can commit to teaching in a Hawaii public school for at least 3 years upon graduation. Stipends are subject to availability of funds and are renewed annually. The stipend is given directly to the student while enrolled, therefore, the stipend is considered taxable and may impact financial aid award.

  • Grow Our Own (GOO) Stipends: For candidates pursuing the Elementary & Hawaiian Language Immersion track, the Grow Our Own Teacher Initiative (GOO) stipends may cover 54 credits of tuition (about $25,000). Applicants must apply and be accepted for the GOO stipend. Priority criteria are used for selection; please refer to the Grow Our Own website for more details and a link to the application.
  • Someone Special Stipends: For candidates pursuing one of the dual special education tracks (i.e., Early Childhood + Early Childhood Special Education, Exceptional Students + Elementary Education), the Someone Special Stipends cover 33-36 credits of tuition (about $15,000) in return for teaching in a special education position upon graduation. No separate application is required; upon annual renewal of funds, all admitted candidates in this track would be offered the opportunity to accept the stipend.

Note: Prior to accepting a stipend, Non-U.S. citizens need to inquire with the Hawaii DOE to determine eligibility for employment upon graduation to fulfill stipend requirements.

College of Education Scholarships

The College of Education offers over 50 different scholarships available for those interested in becoming licensed teachers. To learn more about the various scholarships available, and a link to the application, please visit:

Coursework & Fieldwork

Program Coursework

Once in the program, your coursework will be block-scheduled and your seat is guaranteed. Your cohort coordinator(s) will provide you with registration information. Please refer to each track listed below for the associated coursework, as coursework may differ depending on selected track. The sequence of each track is subject to change and designed to be used as reference, or for planning purposes only. Please refer to the course catalog, School of Teacher Education (STE) and Special Education (SPED), for more detailed course titles and descriptions.

All tracks are designed to be completed in two years.

UHM Focus Requirements are built into the program through coursework and fieldwork requirements, designated by the corresponding letter shown:

  • Contemporary Ethical Issues (E)
  • Hawaiian, Asian, & Pacific Issues (HAP)
  • Oral Communication (O)
  • Writing Intensive (W; 5 courses)

Program Fieldwork

Each track provided field experiences in a local school to allow candidates to practice in a real classroom while completing coursework. Tracks typically start with a 2-day field experience, followed by a final full-time semester of student teaching (Monday – Friday). In order to qualify for student teaching, candidates must demonstrate content knowledge in their area(s) of licensure. Candidates will meet with an academic advisor to determine if a Praxis examination is warranted.

Campus-Based Track Options

On-Campus Class Format

For our campus-based program options, classroom meetings take place on Oahu, Monday – Thursday, which includes field experience in a local Oahu school (e.g., two days in a PK-3 or K-6 classroom).


Single Licensure: Elementary, Grades K-6

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program:

  • None

Program Coursework (54 credits)

  • Note: All BEd students must obtain a total of 120 credits for graduation, therefore additional elective courses may be needed. Please speak with an academic advisor to determine if additional courses are warranted.
Course + (Focus Requirement) Credits
STE 312 Introduction to Teaching (W) 3
STE 313 Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction (W) 3
STE 314 Principles and Methods of Writing Instruction (W) 3
STE 320 Instructional & Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners 3
STE 322 Social Studies, Elementary (W) 3
STE 323 Science, Elementary 3
STE 324 Mathematics I, Elementary 3
STE 325 Mathematics II, Elementary 3
STE 326 Visual Arts, Elementary 3
STE 329 Performing Arts Expression (O) 3
SPED 444 Educating Exceptional Students in Regular Classrooms – Elementary 3
STE 317 Field Experience, semesters 1, 2, and 3 9
STE 390C Student Teaching, semester 4 10
STE 391C Student Teaching Seminar, semester 4 (W)(E) 2

Dual Licensure: Elementary, Grades K-6 and TESOL, Grades K-6

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program (3 credits):

  • LING 102 (highly recommended to take prior to starting the program)

Program Coursework (63 credits)

  • The sequence of each track is subject to change and designed to be used as reference, or for planning purposes only.

Course # + (Focus Requirement) [Credits]- Subject

Fall I (18 credits):

  • STE 312 (W) [3 Credits]-Introduction to Teaching
  • STE 314 (W) [3 Credits]-Principles and Methods of Writing Instruction
  • STE 320 [3 Credits]-Instructional & Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners
  • STE 324 [3 Credits]-Mathematics I, Elementary
  • SPED 444 [3 Credits]-Educating Exceptional Students in Regular Classrooms – Elementary
  • STE 317 [3 Credits]-Field Experience, semesters 1, 2, and 3

Spring I (18 credits):

  • STE 313 (W) [3 Credits]-Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction
  • STE 325 [3 Credits]-Mathematics II, Elementary
  • STE 326 [3 Credits]-Visual Arts, Elementary
  • STE 328 [3 Credits]-Responsive Pedagogy for Multilingual Learners
  • SLS 302 [3 Credits]-Second Language Learning
  • STE 317 [3 Credits]-Field Experience, semesters 1, 2, and 3

Fall II (15 credits):

  • STE 322 (W) [3 Credits]-Social Studies, Elementary
  • STE 323 [3 Credits]-Science, Elementary
  • STE 327 [3 Credits]-Curriculum, Materials, and Assessment Development for Multilingual Learners
  • STE 329 (O) [3 Credits]-Performing Arts Expression
  • STE 317 [3 Credits]-Field Experience, semesters 1, 2, and 3

Spring II (12 credits):

  • STE 390C [10 Credits]-Student Teaching
  • STE 391C (W)(E) [2 Credits]-Student Teaching Seminar

Dual Licensure*: Elementary, Grades K-6 and SPED, Grades K-6

This dual licensure program is also referred to as the Exceptional Students and Elementary Education (ESEE) program.

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program:

  • None

Program Coursework (62 credits)

Note: This grant-funded redesigned track option offers a fully merged course sequence, with courses co-taught by two faculty members specialized in elementary and/or special education and provides unique field experiences. Watch this ESEE program video to learn more.

Fall I (18 credits): Candidates are involved in two different field experiences: (a) RtI Reading Intervention – candidates tutor first-grade students one-on-one using an evidence-based reading intervention, thereby learning to collect, interpret, and present data based on their intervention, and (b) Rounds – candidates experience a variety of different types of schools in small groups (e.g. public, private, charter, and Hawaiian immersion).

  • ESEE 310 (O) [3 cr] Learner in the Environment I: Social & Cultural Context for Learning
  • ESEE 320 [3 cr] Assessment I: Foundations of Assessment
  • ESEE 330 (W) [3 cr] Planning & Instruction: Introduction to Inclusive Teaching
  • ESEE 340 (W) [3 cr] Literacy I: Teaching Children to Read in Inclusive Settings (K-3)
  • ESEE 350 [4 cr] Field Experience I: RtI Intervention
  • ESEE 351 [2 cr] Field Experience I: Rounds

Spring I (16 credits): Candidates spend several days a week immersed in a general education, inclusive, resource, or a self-contained special education field setting working alongside a mentor teacher, often providing opportunities for co-teaching.

  • ESEE 311 (E) [3cr] Learner in the Environment II: Classroom & Behavior Management
  • ESEE 331 [3cr] Planning & Instruction: Science
  • ESEE 332 [3 cr] Planning & Instruction: Math
  • ESEE 341 (W) [3 cr] Literacy II: Teaching Children to Read in Inclusive Settings (Grades 4-6)
  • ESEE 352 [4 cr] Field Experience II

Fall II (16 credits): Candidates spend the first eight (8) weeks at UH immersed in coursework, followed by eight (8) weeks of full-days, Monday-Thursday, in the classroom setting.

  • ESEE 321 (W) [3 cr] Assessment II: Formal Assessment
  • ESEE 333 [3 cr] Planning & Instruction: STEM
  • ESEE 334 (O) [3 cr] Planning & Instruction: Integrating Social Studies & the Performing Arts
  • ESEE 342 (W) [3 cr] Literacy III: Integrating Writing & Visual Arts
  • ESEE 353 [4 cr] Field Experience III

Spring II (12 credits): Candidates complete their final semester with student teaching, full-days Monday-Friday in a K-6 elementary school. Student teaching can take place in an inclusive setting, or a combination of general education and special education settings.

  • ESEE 354C [5 cr] Student Teaching: General education or inclusion classroom with teacher candidate effect on student learning
  • ESEE 354S [5 cr] Student Teaching: Special education or inclusion classroom with teacher candidate effect on student behavior
  • ESEE 355 [2 cr] Seminar

Please refer to the ESEE course catalog for more detailed course titles and descriptions.

This program is no longer admitting new students.

Please refer to Early Childhood and Care Education track for any program-related information moving forward.

Statewide Track Options

Hybrid/Online Format

Designed for neighbor island and distance learners, program coursework consists of online meetings with 2 – 4 weekends a semester that require face-to-face meetings. Candidates will complete field requirements and placements at a local school on the island they reside.


Single Licensure: Elementary, Grades K-6

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program:

  • None

Program Coursework+ (Focus Requirement) (54 credits)

  • The sequence of each track is subject to change and designed to be used as reference, or for planning purposes only.
  • Note: All BEd students must obtain a total of 120 credits for graduation, therefore additional elective courses may be needed. Please speak with an academic advisor to determine if additional courses are warranted.
  • *Not cohorted Classes, Take only if needed

Fall I (16 credits):

  • *LTEC 501 (1 cr) Professional Development in Educational Technology: Technology Skills for Educators
  • STE 312C (W) (3 cr) Introduction to Teaching, Elementary
  • STE 314C (W) (3 cr) Principles and Methods of Writing Instruction
  • STE 324C (3 cr) Mathematics, Elementary I
  • STE 329C (3 cr) Performing Arts, Elementary
  • STE 317C (3 cr) Field Experience, Elementary

Spring I (15 credits):

  • STE 313C (3 cr) Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction
  • STE 320C (3 cr) Instructional and Assessment for Multilingual Learners
  • STE 325C (3 cr) Mathematics, Elementary II
  • STE 329C (O) (3 cr) Performing Arts Expression, K-6
  • STE 317C (3 cr) Field Experience, Elementary

*Summer I (6 credits):

  • *EDEF 310 (E) (3 cr) Education in American Society
  • *EDEP 311 (3 cr) Psychological Foundations

Fall II (12 credits):

  • STE 322C (W) (3 cr) Social Studies, Elementary
  • STE 323C (3 cr) Science, Elementary
  • SPED 444 (3 cr) Educating Exceptional Children in Regular Classrooms, Elementary
  • STE 317C (3 cr) Field Experience, Elementary

Spring II (12 credits):

  • STE 390C (10 cr) Student Teaching, Elementary
  • STE 391C (W, E)(2 cr) Student Teaching Seminar


Dual Licensure: Elementary Education (K-6) and Hawaiian Language Immersion (K-6)

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program:

  • Hawaiian Language courses (HAW 101 to HAW 302) + HAW 300
  • Minimum language content entry requirement: HAW 402 or KHAW 404

Elementary Education Emphasis Coursework(12 credits):

  • EDEF 310 or EDEF 352
  • EDEF/STE 360
  • EDEP 311
  • SPED 304

Program Coursework (54 credits)

Course + (Focus Requirement) Credits
STE 312 Introduction to Teaching (W) 3
STE 313 Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction (W) 3
STE 314 Principles and Methods of Writing Instruction (W) 3
*STE 320 Professional Education Core (English Medium) 3
STE 322 Social Studies, Elementary (W) 3
STE 323 Science, Elementary 3
STE 324 Mathematics I, Elementary 3
STE 325 Mathematics II, Elementary 3
STE 326 Visual Arts, Elementary 3
STE 329 Performing Arts Expression (O) 3
SPED 444 Educating Exceptional Students in Regular Classrooms – Elementary 3
STE 317 Field Experience, semesters 1, 2, and 3 9
STE 390C Student Teaching, semester 4 10
STE 391C Student Teaching Seminar, semester 4 (W)(E) 2

See Program Sheet – Appendix A

Dual Licensure: Early Childhood P-3 and Special Education P-3

The Early Childhood + Early Childhood Special Education(Blended) program will be offered in alternating years opposite the Early Childhood Care and Education(ECCE) program. Currently, the Blended program will be offered in even-year admission periods(2026, 2028, etc.) and the ECCE program will be offered in odd-year admission periods(2025, 2027, etc.).

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program:

  • STE 318*
  • STE 425* (can be completed prior or during the program)
  • STE 417* (can be completed prior or during the program)
  • Note: EDEF 310/352 and EDEP 311 prerequisites are not required for the early childhood track option. 

*Program courses below labeled with an asterisk may be waived for students who already completed a CC MOA-approved ECE program.

Blended program: Some coursework is co-taught as one class by both early childhood & early childhood special education faculty.

Fall I (16 credits):

  • STE 320 (3 cr) Instructional and Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners
  • STE 425* (3 cr) Family and Community Centered Programs
  • Blended Course:
    • STE 415 (3 cr) Observation & Assessment in Early Childhood Education
    • + SPED 485C (3 cr) Classroom Management
  • STE/SPED 315 (W) (4 cr) Field Experience, Blended Early Childhood

Spring I (16 credits):

  • Blended Course:
    • STE 313B (W) (3 cr) Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction, K-6
    • + SPED 421C (3 cr) Strategies for Reading Difficulties
  • Blended Course:
    • STE 321 (3 cr) Social Studies & Science in Early Childhood Education
    • + SPED 461C (3 cr) Mild/Moderate Disabilities
  • STE/SPED 315 (W) (4 cr) Field Experience, Blended Early Childhood

Summer I (6 credits):

  • SPED 462c (W) (3 cr) Severe Disabilities and Autism
  • STE 417* (3 cr) Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Ages 3-8

Fall II (19 credits):

  • Blended Course:
    • STE 416 (3 cr) Teaching & Learning for Diverse Young Children
    • + SPED 332 (W) (3 cr) Young Children with Communication Needs
  • Blended Course:
    • STE 326B (3 cr) Visual Arts
    • + SPED 480C (3 cr) Technology for Children with Disabilities
  • STE 324B (3 cr) Mathematics I, Elementary
  • STE/SPED 315 (W) (4 cr) Field Experience, Blended Early Childhood

Spring II (12 credits):

  • STE/SPED 390 (10 cr) Student Teaching and Student Teaching in Special Education
  • STE/SPED 391 (W, E, O) (2 cr) Seminar for Student Teaching and Seminar for Student Teachers in Special Education

Note: A part-time course sequence option is available, which would extend the program shown above to three years instead of two. Please contact for information and advising.

Single Licensure: Early Childhood, Grades P-3

The Early Childhood Care and Education(ECCE) program will be offered in alternating years opposite the Early Childhood + Early Childhood Special Education(Blended) program. Currently, the ECCE program will be offered in odd-year admission periods(2025, 2027, etc.) and the Blended program in even-year admission periods(2026, 2028, etc.).

Additional coursework needed prior to starting the program:

  • STE 318 (3 cr) Child Development from Prenatal Through Age Eight
  • STE 425 (3 cr) Family and Community Centered Programs
  • Note: EDEF 310/352 and EDEP 311 prerequisites are not required for the early childhood track option. 

Program Coursework+ (Focus Requirement) (60 credits)

Fall I (16 credits):

  • STE 315 (4 cr) Field Experience, Birth-Age 8
  • STE 324 (3 cr) Mathematics I, Elementary
  • STE 329 (O) (3 cr) Performing Arts Expression
  • STE 330 (3 cr) Early Childhood Social, Emotional and Physical Development
  • STE 417 (3 cr) Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Ages 3-8

Spring I (16 credits):

  • STE 315 (4 cr) Field Experience, Birth-Age 8
  • STE 321 (3 cr) Social Studies and Science in Early Childhood Education
  • STE 332 (3 cr) Young Children’s Language and Literacy Development
  • STE 360 (H) (3 cr) Introduction to Multicultural Education 
  • STE 415 (3 cr) Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education 

Fall II (16 credits):

  • STE 315 (4 cr) Field Experience, Birth-Age 8
  • STE 320 (3 cr) Instructional and Assessment Methods for Multilingual Learners
  • STE 326 (3 cr) Visual Art
  • STE 416 (3 cr) Teaching and Learning for Diverse Young Children
  • SPED 485 (3 cr) Classroom Organization and Management

Spring II (12 credits):

  • STE 390B (10 cr) Student Teaching, B-8 setting
  • STE 391B (W, E) (2 cr) Student Teaching seminar



Please complete the “Request More Info” form and we will connect you with someone who will be happy to answer your questions, provide more detailed information, and assist with the application process once admissions open. You can also send general inquiries to our Email: