BEd, Elementary Education & Hawaiian Language Immersion

Typical Length 2 years

Delivery Hybrid



Become a K-6 Elementary Hawaiian Language Immersion Teacher

The Dual Licensure BEd in Elementary Education and Hawaiian Language Immersion is a licensure track cohorted statewide hybrid-online program offered via UH Outreach College. Upon completion, graduates will be recommended for licensure in Elementary Education (K-6) and Hawaiian Language Immersion (Kaiaʻōlelo-Kaiapuni K-6). The Hawaiian Language Immersion component of the program entails completing 31 credit hours in Hawaiian language. Teacher candidates will have three semesters of field experience and one semester of student teaching in a Hawaiian Language Immersion (Kula Kaiapuni).

Who should consider this program?

Those passionate about teaching and learning the Hawaiian language are encouraged to apply. This dual licensure program will help to address the shortage in Hawaiʻi of qualified educators to work with Hawaiian language learners, and prepare classroom teachers to effectively work with this growing population. Embedding the Hawaiian language throughout the curriculum means that these teacher candidates will experience language and pedagogical strategies necessary to teach each content area.

Career & Licensure Information

Common careers:

Kaiaupuni Kumu or Hawaiian Culture and Language Public Charter or Private Schools, and International Teacher.

Once completing an initial teacher licensure program, graduates are eligible to apply for a state license through the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board, which will allow the licensee to teach in public and charter schools in the State of Hawaii.

Hawai’i also participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement which facilitates the mobility of educators among the states that are members of NASDTEC. UHM recommends you contact the office of certification in any state to which you may be relocating to get the most current information. See the NASDTEC website for more information.


This program follows a hybrid model designed for off-island and distance learners. Program coursework is comprised of online meetings and face-to-face meetings 2X each semester (Oʻahu and Other Islands).


This program is a two-year, field-based program that begins during a student’s junior year after university general education requirements and other prerequisite coursework is completed

Approximately 20 students will take courses together as a cohort for two years with the guidance of two cohort coordinators. This cohort format allows you to work with the same classmates over a two-year period. Benefits to the cohorted program include community building, collaboration, and mutual success.  All of your courses are assigned so registration is guaranteed.

While in this program, students complete four semesters of elementary school-based field experiences. In semesters one through three, students are in the field two days per week at schools throughout Oʻahu. In the final semester, students complete full-time (five days per week) student teaching to refine their practice and prepare for the first year of hire.

Admission Requirements
  • 2.75 GPA or higher
  • Complete 55 credits prior to beginning the program. The 55 credits can be from UHM and/or approved transfer credits from another institution.
  • Complete UHM General Education Core Requirements prior to the start of program. Applicants who have completed an articulated Associates of Arts (AA) degree from a UH Community College are considered to have met the UHM General Education Core Requirements with possible exceptions (see an academic advisor).
  • 37 credits of prerequisite coursework:
    • Elementary Education Emphasis Courses (3 credits each)
      • SPED 304
      • STE/EDEF 360
    • Elementary Hawaiian Language (4 credits each)
      • HAW 101
      • HAW 102
    • Intermediate Hawaiian Language (4 credits each)
      • HAW 201
      • HAW 202
    • Third-Level Hawaiian Language (3 credits each)
      • HAW 301
      • HAW 302
    • Fourth-Level Hawaiian Language (3 credits each)
      • HAW 401 (3)
      • HAW 402 (3)
    • HAW 300+ elective course (3 credits)
  • Effective Fall 2025: Either DA or DL course with HWST 107 (DH) will be required for admission prior to the start of the licensure program.
  • Effective Fall 2025: Completion of two Writing Intensive (WI) courses with C or better will be required for admission prior to the start of the licensure program (Non-UH system transfer students can meet this requirement by completing 2 English Literature or Composition courses with grades of C or better).
  • Complete 40 hours of paid or voluntary group leadership field experience with K-6th grade students. The experience cannot have occurred more than 5 years prior to acceptance into the program.
  • Interview with the program
  • Write a personal statement
  • Provide Three (3) Professional References

NOTE: The Interview and essay must be in Hawaiian.

Set up an appointment with an academic advisor

Application Deadlines

The inaugural cohort of this program is slated to start in Fall 2021. New cohorts start only in Fall semesters. Application deadlines are as follows:

  • February 1: General Priority Deadline
  • March 1: General Final Deadline

How to Apply
Tuition and Funding

$471 per credit for residents and $1389 per credit for non-residents. Students enrolled in an online program will only be assessed for resident tuition regardless of their residence in a different state or country. See the “Undergraduate” heading on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Grow Our Own (GOO)Tuition Stipend: Candidates enrolled in this program can qualify to receive up to 54 credits of tuition support through the GOO stipends. Please visit the GOO website for more details.

See the following sites for additional funding opportunities:


Required and STRONGLY recommended to take prior to starting the program (6 credits):

  • Elementary Education Emphasis Courses
    • EDEF 310 (or EDEF 352)
    • EDEP 311

Work with your Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS) Academic Advisor to schedule the above Elementary Education Emphasis courses. Some of these courses may be offered in the summer.

Program Coursework (57 credits total)

Once in the program, your coursework will be block-scheduled by your cohort coordinator(s); your seat is guaranteed. Teacher candidates must complete the following:

  • Additional emphasis course (3 credits)
  • SPED 444 (3 credits)
  • Professional Education Core (English Medium) STE 320 (3 credits)

Professional Education Core (Hawaiian Medium) Courses (48 credits):

Several courses fulfill Focus Requirements for general UHM graduation:

Course + (Focus Requirement) Credits
STE 312 Introduction to Teaching (W) 3
STE 313 Principles and Methods of Reading Instruction (W) 3
STE 314 Principles and Methods of Writing Instruction (W) 3
STE 317 Field Experience, 3 semesters 9
STE 322 Social Studies, Elementary (W) 3
STE 323 Science, Elementary (W) 3
STE 324 Mathematics I, Elementary 3
STE 325 Mathematics II, Elementary 3
STE 326 Visual Arts, Elementary 3
STE 329 Performing Arts Expression (O) 3
STE 390C Student Teaching, semester 4 10
STE 391C Student Teaching Seminar, semester 4 (W)(E) 2

See Program Sheet – Appendix A


Please complete the “Request More Info” form and we will connect you with someone who will be happy to answer your questions, provide more detailed information, and assist with the application process once admissions open. You can also send general inquires to our Email: