Field Study and Inquiry in an Emerging International PDS
The University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education has enjoyed a longstanding partnership with Bukkyo University - Kyoto, Japan since 2000. For instance, dozens of students along with several faculty members of Bukkyo University annually pay a visit to the University of Hawaii at Manoa with which a memorandum of understanding has been signed.This unique partnership offers teacher candidates, graduate students, and faculty the opportunity to collaborate and conduct field studies and research in international contexts, and also provides P-12 (preschool through 12th grade education) partners with opportunities to collaborate. The presentation will provide an overview of how this innovative partnership emerged, an analysis of a pilot course (ITE 399: Inquiry into Japanese Education) and embedded field study that took place during the 2012-13 academic year, and efforts to enhance the partnership during the 2013-14 academic year and beyond.This presentation will highlight the innovative and reflective practices of various stakeholder groups.
Balinbin Santos, R. C., Levine, A. J., Nonaka, C., & Galmiche, G. (2014). Field Study and Inquiry in an Emerging International PDS. Presented at Professional Development Schools National Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.