
4th Annual STEMS² Symposium Registration and Call for Proposals
We invite you to the 4th Annual STEMS² Symposium! This year, we will offer opportunities to engage both in person and online.

COE STEMS² Program Receives Funding to Support STEM Education in Native Hawaiian Serving Schools for Second Year
The College of Education MEd Curriculum Studies STEMS² is grateful to be entering into a second year of partnership with Nakupuna Foundation and Kamehameha Schools.
Your Manaʻo is Important! Fill out our Alumni Survey.
As an alumnus, YOU are a foundational part of the STEMS² network. We would love to hear how STEMS² can better engage you and other alumni to strengthen our network connections in this short survey.
Alumni Gathering
We are excited to be able to host an in-person gathering to recognize 5-year reunion for STEMS² Cohorts 1 & 2. Because “the people make the program” our alumni reunion will not be complete without you.
Meet the STEMS2 ʻOhana

Joseph Reale
STEMS2 Student/Alumni
Pre-k through 5th grade Teacher

Heidi Jenkins
STEMS2 Student/Alumni
Complex Area STEM Resource Teacher

Stacy Prellberg
STEMS2 Student/Alumni
Higher Education, Aupuni Palapala - Education professional development seeking to support knowledge and implementation of ʻike Hawaiʻi
Featured Curriculum & Research

Understanding How Currents Influence the Human Impact on the Environment
This unit has students apply knowledge from math, science, technology, and the social sciences to address one big question: How does understanding currents influence the human impact on the environment? Through participating in this unit, this unit students will develop an understanding of 1) how currents form, 2) how the environment affects currents and currents affect the environment, and 3) how they can make a change to our environment by understanding currents.

E Mālama i ka ‘Āina
Students will explore the history of their local community by visiting places of cultural significance to the communities development. Student partners will then research an environmental concern in their community and present their findings to an audience that consists of school, family, and/or community members. The unit was designed for students living in ‘Ewa Beach and Kapolei on Oahu island but the ideas and content can be adapted to other locations within Hawai‘i and around the world.