Dancers represent ideas, feelings, concepts and actions through abstract movements (move) and frozen body shapes (freeze).

Example National Core Art Standard Alignment (opens in new window)


Anchor Standard 2:

Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.


Anchor Standard 8:

Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Curriculum Integration Ideas

  1. Students can Move & Freeze to express main ideas within informational text (English Language Arts).
  2. Students can Move & Freeze to explore human-environment interactions in geography (Social Studies).
  3. Students can Move & Freeze to represent locomotor and non-locomotor movement (Physical Education)
  4. Students can Move and Freeze to represent a model of one of nature’s cycles (Science)
teacher dancing with students
“Hokey Pokey” Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images

Differentiation Ideas


Students who are developing physical control can begin move and freeze while sitting down. Movements can start small — with head, arms, hands, and fingers. Use the “freeze” prompt used often to enforce self-control and commitment. Individual students can describe the movement of one assigned partner.


Students may move throughout the room. Individuals may set their own movement, teach it to other students, then sequence multiple movements into choreography. Audiences can interpret the meaning behind group compositions.

Move and Freeze Strategy Handout