Poster Presentations
Project Podcast: 3-P Based Learning to support Literacy Development
Project, Place, and Problem (3-P) based learning are approaches that many educators understand and implement, but there is room to use these techniques in new and increasingly effective ways. This pedagogy is commonly used to engage with students in curriculum areas such as science, social studies, art, and writing however to my knowledge, it is not utilized to build literacy foundational, language aquisition, and comprehension skills in early educational settings. The aim of this project is to discover teacher’s efforts in implementing and the barriers in this approach, gauge the effectiveness of the impact on learners, and utilize it to support their success in reading advancement. Focusing on 3-P instruction provides learners and teachers the opportunities to make reading authentic which they need to increase reading achievements for the student of the modern world. This project is an exploration of the teachers perspective, evaluation of effectiveness and technique, and implementation of the (3-P) instructional approach viewed through the lens of in person interviews for a documentary styled podcast.
STEMS² Pillars: Makawalu, Moʻolelo, Advocacy
June 28th, 2023, 9:50am–10:50am HST
Location: Posters & Partners (Gather.Town)
- Developing a K-12 Education hub for climate science research in Hawai’i and the Affiliated Pacific Islands
- SPEDucation! Mathy thinking and doing for students with math challenges.
- ʻIke Wai o ka ʻĀina
- Understanding the Impact of a Developing Sense of Place on a Teacher
- Advocacy in California Community Colleges With a Critical Friend
- A Message From Kanaloa
- The Impact of Kai-based Education on At-risk Youth: A Case Study with Surfrider Spirit Sessions
- Finding Who I am as an Educator using the STEMS² Pillars
- E Ui Ē: Exploring the Role of Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding in Indigenous Education
- A Guide to Hawaiian Genealogy: No Nā Kūpuna
- Nā Hopena A’o and Next Generation Science Standards: Exploring their Co-existence in Science Classrooms
- Using Archery As A Vehicle To Understand My Mathematical Processing