
A proud Hawaiian wahine from McKinley High School, Madeline Young appreciated her mother teaching her ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi. She valued education and aspired to become a school teacher in Hawaiʻi. A “part-Hawaiian girl and American citizen,” she expressed pride in her Native identity but next to nothing about what it meant to be an American. She … read more of MK122


A brief 5-page essay by a wahine at McKinley High School, she expresses her pride in being Hawaiian, her participation in the Hawaiian Club at school, and the broad appreciation for education by Native Hawaiian families. She shares how she speaks English and Hawaiian at home and her belief that young Hawaiians are eager to … read more of MK359


A 19-year old wahine who graduated from Punahou and was attending the territorial normal school in Honolulu. Born on Maui, she grew up on a sugar plantation and aspired to be a music teacher. Both parents were well educated and could speak ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi and English. She mentions her inability to speak ʻōlelo but “boasts” … read more of N190


In this 10-page essay by a wahine normal school student from Puʻunēnē, Maui, she reveals how her parents ingrained in her the importance of education. While both were fluent in Hawaiian and English, she disagreed with their emphasis on learning only English and expressed an interest in learning Chinese. Her goal was to become a … read more of N195


Beginning with a defiant “What is the purpose of this [assignment]!”, the wahine author of this lengthy 15-page essay describes her experiences going to school on Oʻahu, Maui, and Hawaiʻi. Hanai (adopted) by her aunt and uncle, she grew up never knowing her birth parents or siblings. She offers criticism of Haole as acting “superior” … read more of N197


Written by a 17-year old wahine from Hilo High School. Born in 1909 and raised in the small town of Pāʻahau along the Hāmākua Coast on the northeastern part of Hawaiʻi Island, her 7-page essay captures the frustrations and ambitions of a teenager looking towards the future. She is torn between pursuing her own ambitions … read more of HH257


Composed by 17-year old Hilo High School senior, John K. Akau. He shares a number of views related to race, family, and career. He admires Japanese language and culture but bristles at their “know it all” attitudes. He shares how he has a warmer relationship with his mom that his dad and how he aspires … read more of HH69


A lengthy description of the personal ambitions of a young wahine from Hilo High School who reveals her pride in her Native identity, observations on race relations and education, and thoughts on how Americanization has affected her, her people, and Hawaiian society.