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Linda Furuto · Professor
- Curriculum Studies (Professor of Mathematics Education)
- Office: Everly Hall 224
- Telephone: (808) 956-3359
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Dr. Linda Furuto is from Hau‘ula, O‘ahu, and is a Professor of Mathematics Education and Director of the Ethnomathematics Graduate Certificate and M.Ed. Curriculum Studies, Mathematics Education programs at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM). Prior to joining UHM, Dr. Furuto was an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Head of Mathematics and Science at UH West O‘ahu. Dr. Furuto completed her Ph.D. at UCLA, master’s degree at Harvard University, and bachelor’s degree at BYU. Over the years, Dr. Furuto has been a Visiting Scholar of Mathematics at the University of Tokyo, worked in the Boston Public Schools as a research-practitioner in Harvard University’s Inventing the Future project, taught secondary mathematics and music at the Fiji Technical College, conducted research at the U.S. Department of State, participated on the 2025 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Mathematics Visioning Panel, and is currently on the 2023–2025 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on K–12 STEM Education and Workforce Development in Rural Areas. Dr. Furuto was invited to participate in the 2021 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference keynote panel on "Asian American/Canadian & Pacific Islanders (AACPI) Visibility and Invisibility--Creating Space of Learning and Unlearning in Mathematics" and is a 2023 Obama Foundation Asia-Pacific Leader. Dr. Furuto is an apprentice navigator and education specialist with the Polynesian Voyaging Society and is part of the current Moananuiākea Voyage of the Pacific. She is a recipient of the University of Hawai'i Board of Regents Medal for Excellence in Teaching, BYU Alumni Achievement Award, and Pacific Business News’ Top Forty Under 40. For more info:
Areas of Expertise: Technology & STEM
Interests: Access and equity; Ethnomathematics; Mathematics achievement; Quantitative research methodology; STEM
Degrees (2)
Books (1)
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). Ethnomathematics curriculum textbook: Symbolic reasoning and quantitative literacy. University of Hawai‘i SEED Office and the National Science Foundation.
Book Chapters (1)
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2019). The canoe is the compass. In H. Aikau & V. Gonzalez (Eds.), Detours: A decolonial guide to Hawai‘i. Duke University Press.
Journal Articles (6)
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2022). (In progress). Mathematics education on a worldwide voyage: Engaging values and place-based curriculum to support college, career, and community readiness. Indigenous STEM Education: Perspectives from the Pacific Islands, the Americas, and Asia, TBD.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2019). Lessons learned: Strengths-based approaches to mathematics education in the Pacific. Culture That Counts: A Decade of Depth, 87–100.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2016). Lessons learned: Strengths-based approaches to mathematics education in the Pacific. Journal of Mathematics and Culture, 10(2), 55–72.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2015). A study of equity in mathematics education: Lessons from Japan for U.S. teacher preparation. International Journal for Teaching and Learning Mathematics, 1, 164–196.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2014). Pacific ethnomathematics: pedagogy and practices in mathematics education. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications Oxford University Press, 33, 1–12.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). Bridging policy and practice with ethnomathematics. Journal of Mathematics and Culture, 7(1), 31–57.
Conference Proceedings (2)
- Furuto, L. H. L., & Phillips, M. (2021). Knowledge and action for change toward the 4th industrial revolution through professional practice in ethnomathematics. 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 283–291.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2018, July). Knowledge and action for change through culture, community, and curriculum. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education: Invited Lectures.
Presentations (29)
- Chang, J., Furuto, L. H. L., Khodai, H., Matias, C., & Yeh, C. (2021). Asian American/Canadian and Pacific Islanders (AACPI) Visibility and Invisibility—Creating Space of Learning and Unlearning. Presented at Keynote Plenary Panel at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Virtual Conference.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Fernandez-Brennan, P., & Phillips, M. (2021). Rehumanizing mathematics classrooms through equity and access in ethnomathematics. Presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2020). Building normative spaces through the integration of culture-based STEM. Presented at 47th Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning, Las Vegas, NV.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2019). Political knowledge and practice in teaching and learning mathematics. Presented at School Mathematics: Connections to Social and Cultural Contexts in East and Central Africa Conference Keynote Address, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Godwin, L., & Liu, H. (2019). Cracking the STEM code. Presented at 5th Annual East-West Center #galswithLEI Keynote Panel, Honolulu, HI.
- Monkoski-Takamure, A., Furuto, L. H. L., Galicinao, P., Marr, J., & Tam, K. (2019). Ethnomathematics: Challenging, engaging, and empowering students with culture-based lessons. Presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2018). Culturally-sustaining pedagogy from the Pacific to Mannahatta. Presented at Columbia University Teachers College Speaker Series, New York City, NY.
- Furuto, L. H. L., & Thompson, N. (2018). Indigenous ways of knowing science, art, and education. Presented at Tléixʼ Yaakw One Canoe Conference Keynote Address, Juneau, AK.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Monkoski-Takamure, A., Philippoff, J. K., & Saka, S. M. (2018). From the Pacific to Mannahatta: Creating equitable environments through learning and professional practice in ethnomathematics. Presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2017). Wayfinding educational visions through ethnomathematics and STEM. Presented at International Academic Forum on Education Keynote Address, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Faucci, A., & Frilles, E. (2017). STEM education voyages on land and sea. Presented at Hawai‘i Science Teachers Association Conference Keynote Address, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Galicinao, P., & Tam, K. (2017). Empowering mathematics teachers and creating equitable learning environments through professional development in ethnomathematics. Presented at Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Girard, R., Tam, K., Phillips, M., & Walker, C. (2017). P–20 student success through ethnomathematics. Presented at University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges Hawai‘i Student Success Institute Keynote Address, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Marr, J., Tam, K., & Uta'i, L. M. (2017). P–20 classroom, community, and civic engagement. Presented at Hawai‘i Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Keynote Address.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2016). Indigenous wisdom and modern connections through research and praxis in STEM. Presented at Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Annual Meeting Keynote Address, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2016). Pacific ethnomathematics: Navigating ancient wisdom and modern connections. Presented at 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13) Invited Lecture, Hamburg, Germany.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Chinn, P., & Kuwahara, J. (2016). I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: A Hawaiian science model. Presented at International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Murphy, K., Tanaka, P., & Ha'o, C. (2016). Nā wahine o ke kai (women of the sea). Presented at Smithsonian Institution Pacific Festival Plenary Panel, Washington, D.C.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Zilliox, J. T., & Uribe, E. (2016). Teacher professional development through ethnomathematics. Presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2015). Mālama honua worldwide voyage through the lens of tertiary education. Presented at Community Colleges for International Development Asia-Pacific Forum Keynote Address, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L., & Zilliox, J. T. (2015). Equity in ethnomathematics: Connecting research, pedagogy, and promising practices. Presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Boston, MA.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2014). Culturally responsive mathematics education practices and pedagogies. Presented at Hawai‘i International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2014). STEM education on a worldwide voyage: Curriculum to college and career readiness. Presented at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Education in American Samoa Education Conference Keynote Address, Pago Pago, American Samoa.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2014). Tessellations through mathematical voyaging. Presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). Abstract algebra and numeration systems. Presented at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Denver, CO.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). Abstract algebra in classroom and community partnerships. Presented at University of Guam KUBRE Culture & Learning National Conference Keynote Address, Mangilao, Guam.
- Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). Center of effort, lateral resistance, and navigational mathematics. Presented at Joint Conference of the Mathematics Association of America and American Mathematical Society, San Diego, CA.
- Philippoff, J. K., Vallin, L. M., & Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). A formative evaluation of an ethnomathematics educational program. Presented at American Evaluation Association annual conference, Washington, D.C.
- Philippoff, J. K., Vallin, L. M., & Furuto, L. H. L. (2013). Effects of a summer ethnomathematics institute for undergraduates in Hawai‘i. Presented at Hawaii-Pacific Evaluation Association Conference, Kāneʻohe, HI.
Multimedia Contributions (3)
- PBS Hawai'i, J. J., & Furuto, L. H. L. (2022). (In Progress) PBS Hawai‘i Home is Here Featuring Linda Furuto.
- Furuto, L. H. L., Fernandez-Brennan, P., & Nowak, L. (2021). Ethnomathematics at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics TODOS Podcast (Vol. Season 2, Episode 14).
- PBS Hawai'i, L. W., & Furuto, L. H. L. (2016). PBS Hawai'i Long Story Short Featuring Linda Furuto.