Flyer for STEMS^2 Symposium


8:30am–5:30pm, Thu Jun 27, 2019




Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies
Dole Street
Honolulu, HI

Event Details

Take part in the first annual STEMS2 Symposium! Learn with and from fellow teachers, students, policy makers, cultural practitioners, STEM and STEMS2 (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Sense of Place) enthusiasts at the 1st Annual STEMS2 Symposium. This one-day learning journey is open to all educators and anyone interested in promoting STEMS2 education. We are looking to highlight local and national work that focuses on interdisciplinary, place and culture based education. Knowledge sharing will take multiple forms including posters, talk story sessions, workshops, performances, paper presentations, community partner/exhibitor tables (etc.). Our goal is to create a dynamic learning environment grounded in the value of A‘o (to teach and learn in a reciprocal relationship). To Register, please visit:

We look forward to seeing you on June 27, 2019!

If you have any questions about registration or are a DOE teacher on a neighbor island and wish to inquire about travel support, please email us at or call 808-956-2376.

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