
MMPP Add-A-Field Core Assessments and TESOL Standards Matrix

MMPP/TESOL Alignment

Courses and Assessments TESOL Standards
1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 4a 4b 4c 4d 5a 5b 5c 5d
1. SLS 680U: Introduction to Multilingualism Multiculturalism (Final Paper, Capstone Project) Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match
2. EDCS/SLS 644 Multilingual/ EL Pedagogy (MLL Case Study: Inquiry and Lesson Development Project) Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match
3. EDCS 647C Classroom & School Literacy Assessment: Multilingual (Case Study: Observations and Assessments) Match Match Match Match Match
4. EDCS 630 Cultural Diversity & Education (MMPP/TESOL Elective) Match Match Match Match
5. EDCS 696 Graduate Certificate Capstone (Capstone Project) Match Match Match Match Match Match Match
6. ESOL Praxis Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match Match

TESOL Standards

1a: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of English language structures in different discourse contexts to promote acquisition of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills across content areas. Teachers serve as language models for ELLs.

1b: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of second language acquisition theory and developmental process of language to set expectations for and facilitate language learning.

1c: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of language processes (e.g., interlanguage and language progressions) to facilitate and monitor ELLs’ language learning in English.

1d: Teachers apply knowledge of English academic language functions, learning domains, content-specific language and discourse structures, and vocabulary to promote ELLs’ academic achievement across content areas.

2a: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of how dynamic academic, personal, familial, cultural, and social contexts, including sociopolitical factors, impact the education of ELLs.

2b: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of research and theories of cultural and linguistic diversity and equity that promote academic and social language learning for ELLs.

2c: Teachers devise and implement methods to understand each ELL’s academic characteristics, including background knowledge, educational history, and current performance data, to develop effective, individualized instructional and assessment practices for their ELLs.

2d: Teachers devise and implement methods to learn about personal characteristics of the individual ELL (e.g., interests, motivations, strengths, needs) and their family (e.g., language use, literacy practices, circumstances) to develop effective instructional practices.

2e: Teachers identify and describe the impact of his/her identity, role, cultural understandings, and personal biases and conscious knowledge of U.S. culture on his/her interpretation of the educational strengths and needs of individual ELLs and ELLs in general.

3a: Teachers plan for culturally and linguistically relevant, supportive environments that promote ELLs’ learning. Candidates design scaffolded instruction of language and literacies to support standards and curricular objectives for ELLs’ in the content areas.

3b: Teachers instruct ELLs using evidence-based, student-centered, developmentally appropriate interactive approaches.

3c: Teachers adjust instructional decisions after critical reflection on individual ELLs’ learning outcomes in both language and content.

3d: Teachers plan strategies to collaborate with other educators, school personnel, and families in order to support their ELLs’ learning of language and literacies in the content areas.

3e: Teachers use and adapt relevant materials and resources, including digital resources, to plan lessons for ELLs, support communication with other educators, school personnel, and ELLs and to foster student learning of language and literacies in the content areas.

4a: Teachers apply knowledge of validity, reliability, and assessment purposes to analyze and interpret student data from multiple sources, including norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests. Teachers make informed instructional decisions that support language learning.

4b: Teachers demonstrate understanding of classroom-based formative, summative, and diagnostic assessments scaffolded for both English language and content assessment. Teachers determines language and content learning goals based on assessment data

4c: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of state-approved administrative considerations, accessibility features, and accommodations appropriate to ELLs for standardized assessments.

4d: Teachers demonstrate understanding of how English language proficiency assessment results are used for identification, placement, and reclassification.

5a: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of effective collaboration strategies in order to plan ways to serve as a resource for ELL instruction, support educators and school staff, and advocate for ELLs.

5b: Teachers apply knowledge of school, district, and governmental policies and legislation that impact ELLs’ educational rights in order to advocate for ELLs.

5c: Teachers practice self-assessment and reflection, make adjustments for self improvement, and plan for continuous professional development in the field of English language learning and teaching.

5d: Teachers engage in supervised teaching to apply and develop their professional practice using self-reflection and feedback from their cooperating teachers and supervising faculty.