PAAC image of keiki

The Hanahau’oli Professional Development Center teamed up with the Pacific Alliance against COVID-19 (PAAC) on August 25 & 26, 2021  to offer “Safer School Reopening” workshops. These are an important resource for K–12 educators in Hawaiʻi who work with Pacific Islander, Filipino, and Native Hawaiian students. Here are the links to recordings of both sessions for your personal viewing, as well as additional resources from our presenters.


View a recording of Session 1

View presentation slides from Hawaii Department of Health State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble, and School Testing Project Director Kara Gormont, RN

View the Hawaii Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools

View presentation slides addressing trends and hotspots related to our community, vaccines, and the Delta variant from Dr. Alika Maunakea of the John A. Burns School of Medicine

Learn more about PAAC’s Covid-19 testing opportunities, access PAAC’s interdisciplinary, place-based modules for educators, and get paid to be certified as a Covid-19 educator


View a recording of Session 2

View the “Attitudes Towards Vaccination” presentation slides from UH Manoa Professor of Economics Dr. Ruben Juarez

View a compilation of presentation slides from Kaleolani Hanohano & A. Ka`ōlinokaimana Yasuoka, PAAC curriculum authors.

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