Graduate Certificate



Will the ECED GCERT allow me to teach in a public PreK?

Yes, but only if you already have an initial license in another field before entering the program. The add-a-field track is a state approved teacher preparation program (SATEP) that recommends candidates to add a PK-K or PK-3 field to their initial license.

If your baccalaureate was not in a license program, the certificate will NOT allow you to teach in a public PreK. You can only add a PK-K or PK-3 field to another license. However, it will provide you with knowledge and skills aligned with current state and national standards.

If you are interested in an initial license, please visit the Bachelor of Education, Elementary Education site and view the following tracks toward the bottom of the page:

  • Early Childhood + Early Childhood Special Education
  • Early Childhood Care and Education
If I work at a DHS licensed child care setting does that mean I have a teaching license?

The minimum requirement for a lead teacher in a DHS licensed child care setting is not the same as what is required for teacher license. Licensed teachers complete a state approved teacher preparation program (SATEP). When completed, they are recommended to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board for license addressed by their program.

What if my bachelor’s degree is in another major (e.g. biology, business)?

You may apply for the program if your undergraduate major is not in early childhood education or child development/family studies. However, you will need to take the pre-requisite courses and we ask that you take it at a 300-400 level if you want to pursue an initial license track.

What is the difference between a SATEP recommendation for an add-a-field license or an initial license?

An add-a-field license program enables someone who already has a license in different field  (e.g. K-6, SPED PK-3) to add an ECED field to their license upon completion. Students enrolled in initial license programs are working to obtain a first teaching license. They do not already have a license recognized by the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board.

Do the courses that I take in the graduate certificate advance me in the HIDOE salary schedule?

Students need to check with their Reclassification Department Officer to find out if any course that they take advances them in their schedule. For teachers already in the DOE system in Hawai‘i, it depends on their field of expertise, their school assignment responsibilities, and principal approval. From the UH side, the course needs to be within a degree granting program, and the course content needs to be related to the teacher’s field of expertise. For more information, see reclassification credits.


Do I need to already have experience as a teacher to apply?

No, however, since this is a graduate program, previous experience working in early childhood settings is highly recommended and will make your application stronger. Experience provides a base to help you better integrate the research and abstract concepts into your knowledge base.

Can I enroll in the ECED GCERT if I am living on another island?

Most of the coursework is on-line in the evenings, making the program accessible for neighbor island students. There are 2 to 3 face-to-face meetings each semester where neighbor island candidates will travel to Oahu for classes on chosen weekends or will meet in a location on their island for face-to-face classes. As funds permit, travel stipends are available to students to help offset travel expenses.

Do I need to be a Hawaiʻi resident to enroll in the ECED GCERT?

The Evening/Weekend hybrid format is designed to address statewide needs to incorporate distance education and therefore. Non-Hawaiʻi residents must be able to fly to Hawaiʻi a few Saturdays a semester. An add-a-field option is only available to students who already are licensed in the state of Hawaiʻi.

Can international students complete this program?

Under certain circumstances. International students will find it difficult to meet VISA requirements by enrolling in this program alone. Unfortunately, one of the requirements regarding international student visas is that they participate in traditional, face-to-face coursework on campus. Our online/hybrid programs alone would not meet this requirement; therefore, international students generally will need to be dually enrolled in another degree or program together with this program in order to meet the 8 credits of on-ground coursework required during the academic year. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Are there any pre-requisites to enter the ECED GCERT?

Students who are interested in the Kaiʻapuni Hawaiʻi/ Hawaiian Language Immersion track need to complete HAW 402 / KHAW 404. There are no other pre-requisites, however, it is preferable to be working, interning or volunteering in an ECE setting. Many assignments require application in an ECE program.


What do I do if my undergraduate GPA is lower than a 3.0?

Occasionally, if an applicant appears to be a good fit for the program and has other strong application components and extenuating circumstances, a conditional application may be considered upon the approval of the Application Committee, Program Director, Department Chair and UH Manoa Graduate Division. Conditional admissions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

What should I include in a statement of objectives?

The Statement of Objectives is a very important first writing sample for prospective applicants so please take the time to show us your best writing. Include information that explains:

  • why you are interested in pursuing a Master of Early Childhood Education,
  • the experience, education, personal and professional qualities you feel will contribute to your success in the program,
  • how you intend for your experience in the program to further your educational and career goals; and,
  • any additional information that will help the review committee as we review your application.
Who should I ask to write a letter of recommendation?

It is wise when choosing 3 people to write your Letters of Application to include a balance of people who can together demonstrate:

  • Record of success in early childhood education coursework and your potential to succeed in a graduate program (such as professors or instructors)
  • Early childhood education competencies in the work setting (such as a supervisor or peer)
  • Your leadership and service within your organization or the community and potential for leadership in early childhood education
What should I include in my resume?
In your Resume, please include things like:
  • Examples of leadership and service in your organization, the profession, and/or your community. Such as, serving on committees, helping out with conferences or other professional development events, involvement in public policy and advocacy such as your testifying on early learning legislation, mentoring students, serving on HiAEYC or other boards, helping out in community groups that take care of aina or provide services to families in need.
  • Examples of scholarship. Scholarship includes recognition you received for academic success such as merit awards to help you pay for school (not workforce development courses, but merit based awards). It is also when you shared your ECE knowledge and expertise such as - presenting at conferences or with other groups, things that show “budding leadership potential”.


What is a cohorted program? Can I finish before my cohort?

You will journey through your ECE GCERT with the same group of students and faculty team. This means that you will begin the program at the same time and will experience all of your courses together. You will be part of a vibrant-learning community that is committed to supporting each other through the program and beyond.

Do I need to be working in an ECE setting while I am in the ECED GCERT program?

If you are not working in a birth through 5 setting, you will need to find appropriate settings where you can carry out field embedded assignments for your courses. The program is offered in a way that allows working professionals to earn a certificate. You will be enrolled in 2 courses each term. Each class will take place one evening a week. You may also have a face-to-face session 2 to 3 times a semester on Saturdays.

Can credits that I took for another degree count towards my ECED GCERT?

Transfer credits are NOT applicable toward graduate certificate requirements. However, up to six UHM Post-Baccalaureate Unclassified (PBU) credits may be applied.


How do I get help paying for school?

Students are encouraged to apply for the program before the early application deadline so that they can maximize their opportunity to qualify for grants, scholarships, and loans in the first year of the program. The FAFSA typically begins accepting applications in October and many scholarships and grant applications are due before the end of February.  We hold financial assistance information sessions and send students information on financial supports specific to early educators.

How much is the tuition for the ECED GCERT?

Tuition and fees vary depending on a number of factors, such as resident or non-resident status. The most recently posted tuition and fee rates are available on the University of Hawaii at Manoa Outreach College website.


Are there any graduate assistant positions in the program?

The program does not offer any graduate assistantships.



Is it possible to pursue an ECED GCERT and an MEd-ECED?

Yes, it is possible. Three of the courses required for the ECED GCERT are foundational courses that fulfill pre-requisites for the MEd - ECED. Two additional courses can be applied towards your MEd-ECED course requirements. You may pursue both graduate certificate and MEd-ECED degrees if you fulfill the requirements for both. The ECED GCERT is more practice based and focuses on developing foundational knowledge and competencies. The MEd-ECED focuses on leadership in the field of early childhood education.

If I don't have an initial teaching license, will this help me teach in a public PreK?

This is an add-a-field certificate so if you come into the program without an initial license, it will NOT enable you to teach in a public PreK. You should seek a program that offers you an initial license instead.

If you are interested in an initial license, please visit the Bachelor of Education, Elementary Education site and view the following tracks toward the bottom of the page:

  • Early Childhood + Early Childhood Special Education
  • Early Childhood Care and Education
What if I don't have a laptop computer?

Students are required to have a laptop to successfully participate in this program. The laptop requirement provides students the option of using financial aid to purchase one. Students need a laptop that runs a full operating system (i.e., Windows 10 or Mac OSX 10.11 and above). For example, Chromebooks or mobile tablets like an iPad or Android mobile device are NOT sufficient to run the required software for our program. If you need help determining which computer to purchase, please refer to and contact: