Master’s – CS: National Board Certification Teacher Leader (p4c Hawaiʻi-Aloha Kumu Cohort)



Does the MEd Curriculum Studies lead to initial licensure?

The program does NOT lead to initial teacher licensure.

Is it possible to pursue a Graduate Certificate and the Master of Education in Curriculum Studies?

Yes, The Teacher Leader Graduate Certificate (TLGC) has been built into the National Board Certification MEd (Aloha Kumu) track. Students who successfully complete the program requirements will earn a MEd degree and a TLGC. The TLGC will allow a teacher to add-a-field of Teacher Leader to an existing HTSB (Hawaii Teacher Standards Board) teaching license.

Is the National Board Certification MEd (Aloha Kumu) available to students outside Hawaiʻi?

Yes. Currently the program is being offered online as a result of the COVID pandemic, therefore we are accepting students from outside of Hawaiʻi. 


What is the time commitment during the summer session?

The 2-summer courses will meet face-to-face during a three-week block of time in June/July. The exact dates of the courses will be developed with the program participants. We will typically run Monday-Friday from 8:00 am ­– 3:00 pm.

What does it mean to be in a cohorted program?

You will journey through the MEd program and the National Board Certification process with the same group of students and a dedicated team of faculty. You will be a part of a vibrant-learning community that is committed to supporting each other through the program and beyond.

Are there opportunities for me to apply for financial aid?

Yes. We have provided some financial aid information for you to explore. We encourage you to apply early.

Am I required to formally apply for National Board Certification as part of the program?

No. Applying for National Board Certification is optional. Students who choose not to apply for formally National Board Certification will create a mock-NBC portfolio for the plan b requirement.

What type of NBC supports will I receive during the program?

The courses are designed to provide you with ongoing support and guidance to develop a NBC portfolio and to formally apply for NBC if you wish.  Our faculty will continue to provide NBC supports for our graduates.

Is there an additional cost to apply for National Board Certification?

Yes. The cost of applying for National Board Certification is not covered by the tuition for the program. Please refer to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards website for information regarding National Board Certification:

Can I work during my study in the graduate program?

Most of our students are full-time teachers (k-12). Our program coordinators are former-HIDOE teachers and are mindful of the needs, responsibilities, and challenges of full-time teaching while pursuing graduate degrees. Please see “Delivery Format” for information on when the courses will be offered.

Do the courses that I take in EDCS count in advancing in the HI-DOE salary schedule?

While our students in the past have been able to apply the credits they earned in the program towards reclassification on the HI-DOE pay schedule, applicants need to check with their Reclassification Department Officer within the HI-DOE to confirm. Reclassification and/or advancement on the HI-DOE pay scale is not determined by the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa-College of Education.