Dear MEd CS Student,
We hope you are enjoying your studies in the Master of Education (MEd) program in the Department of Curriculum Studies. Our faculty is committed to providing a graduate program that has meaning and value for you, and leads to a sense of personal and professional accomplishment. The information that follows is designed to help you complete the program successfully, and is presented in these sections: (a) General Information, (b) Culminating Project, (c) Final Examination (Oral) for Plan A and/or Plan B, and (d) the Semester You Plan to Graduate.
- Please read Handbook 1: Prospective and New Students and this document and refer to these materials to answer your specific questions about the program.
- Be sure to keep in regular contact with your advisor and consult with him/her as needed regarding courses to take and program progress.
- We recommend that non-cohorted students take either 622B (PK-3), D (middle level) or G (K-14) in the first year of this program and 667B, D or G during your last semester. Please note that EDCS 622 and 606 are only offered in Fall semesters, and EDCS 632 and 667 are only offered in Spring semesters.
Time Frame
In general, graduate students at UHM must complete all degree requirements within seven years after admission to their programs. An approved leave of absence of up to two semesters is not counted in the seven years.
More information can be found on the Graduate Division website.
- Be sure to register the semester you are admitted, through (and including) the semester you graduate. Admissions cannot be postponed or deferred. If you do not register for the semester you are admitted, you will be considered a no-show and your admission will become invalid. You may reapply for admission by redoing all forms and paying the application fee again.
- If you miss the deadline for registration listed in the UH Course Schedule you may register late, provided you have written justification approved by the CS Graduate Chair and the Assistant Dean of the Office of Graduate Education. You will be charged a late registration fee.
- To withdraw from a course after the drop period, you must obtain the written approval of the instructor, the CS Graduate Chair, and the Assistant Dean of the Office of Graduate Education. After the ninth week, withdrawals are permitted only for circumstances beyond your control.
- After admission to the program you must be enrolled each semester (excluding summer session) for at least 1 credit of course work or thesis/project research. Once you have fulfilled all your course requirements, you should register for EDCS 695 or 699 if you need additional time to complete your Plan B project (contact your advisor for the CRN).
If you are not enrolled nor granted an approved leave of absence, you will be regarded as withdrawn from the program and you will need to apply for readmission. - You may take a leave of absence for a period of no longer than one calendar year after you have completed at least one semester of course work. The leave must be approved by the CS Graduate Chair and the Assistant Dean of the Office of Graduate Education. The date of return from a leave must be set at the time the leave is requested. Time on approved leave is not counted against the seven-year limit for completion of the program.
Leave of absence form
Students not returning from leave by the specified time will need to petition for re-admittance. Please contact Graduate Student Services at 808-956-8544, 808-956-4257 (voice/text), or for advice on how to be readmitted. - If you were accepted into the program with conditional status, you need to complete 12 credits with a “B” average in courses applicable to your degree in order to be reclassified as a regular student. A memo to this effect, signed by the CS Graduate Chair, will be sent to the Office of Graduate Education.
Doubling Counting Credits
A maximum of 12 credits from the UHM College of Education Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Secondary Education (PBCSE) may be double counted for the MEd-CS program, within five years of graduating with their PBCSE degree. MEd-CS program will double count 6 credits of 400-level courses and 6 credits of 600-level courses. Similarly, students may request transfer of up to 12 credits of other relevant UHM graduate courses or 14 credits from other institutions upon approval of your track’s coordinator, as identified on the program webpage. Credit transfers should occur during the first semester in the program.
- You need to maintain a 3.0 (B) average in all courses numbered 300 and above and all graduate courses (600 and above) taken for a grade. A grade of “C” may be balanced by an “A” to maintain a 3.0 average. If you receive a grade of “D” or “F” in a required course, you must repeat the course. Directed Reading/Research 699 may not be used to make up a failing grade or to substitute for a course required for the degree.
- You can receive an “I” (incomplete) grade if you fail to complete a small but important part of a semester’s work before the grades are determined, and if the instructor believes that the failure was caused by conditions beyond your control. The deadline for removing an “I” grade is April 1 for fall grades and November 1 for spring or summer grades. (For more information, see the UHM Academic Calendar.)
- If the work is not completed by the deadline the instructor may allow the grade of “I” to remain on your record or submit a change-of-grade form, with the grade computed on the basis of work completed by the deadline.
- An incomplete becomes permanent if it is not made up within two (2) semesters from the time the course was taken.
- Change of grades must have the CS Graduate Chair’s approval. The instructor must state the reasons for the grade change.
- Grade point averages are computed using all the courses taken at UHM, including courses that have been repeated, even if the students received a less than satisfactory grade in one or more of the classes. Unless the course is repeatable, as stated in the UHM Catalog, it is only counted once for meeting credit requirements for the degree.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. You should be aware that instances of academic dishonesty (cheating and plagiarism) may result in suspension or expulsion from the University.
- Cheating includes giving unauthorized help during an examination, obtaining unauthorized information about an exam before it is administered, using inappropriate sources of information during an exam, altering the record of a grade or altering an examination after it has been submitted, and misrepresenting the facts in order to obtain exemptions from course requirements.
- Plagiarism includes submitting to satisfy an academic requirement any document that has been copied in whole or in part from another individual’s work without identifying that individual, paraphrasing a passage so closely that the reader is misled as to the source, and submitting the same written or oral material in more than one course without obtaining authorization from the instructors involved.
- If a faculty member suspects academic misconduct, he or she will notify the student, discuss the situation and take action as he or she deems appropriate. (Please consult the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Catalog, Campus Policies section.)